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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I wish they'd take these photos in colour, and then I could laugh at you a lot.
  2. A: I should think a certificate of death would be needed. Q: What's your favourite area of maths (if you have one)?
  3. My favourite from those links: "To keep milk from turning sour: Keep it in the cow." Here's a few computer related ones: Customer: "Hi, I was wondering if you could fix my laptop. It's under warranty." Tech Support: "What seems to be the trouble with it?" Customer: "My wife got mad and threw it in the pool." More at: http://rinkworks.com/stupid/cs_abuse.shtml (and even more if you go to the bottom and click on 'even more computer stupidities').
  4. I've now closed the thread unless anyone has any particular reason as to why it should be re-opened. If you do have one, PM me.
  5. A: Britney. Q: What's your favourite colour biro?
  6. That's pretty abysmal tbh.
  7. Because it's cold? (I don't mean for this to sound patronising btw ).
  8. I think so, might be a simpler part of further maths.
  9. That's the one. Great book though, especially towards the end. Pity the movie wasn't so good
  10. In my humble opinion, we probably already have too many subforums on the site; I daresay quite a few of them could be merged together (or even deleted completely).
  11. A: He's a muppet. Q: Do you like bananas?
  12. I would doubt that most of the people here could give a toss as to what religion you were in. I don't get into debates about it because inevitably we get people arguing about creationism and scientific methods and I really don't have the patience to argue about something that I don't honestly know how to argue. But yes, I know what you mean. You're always going to get the extremists in every religion, but the worst ones are actually those who believe they are doing 'the right thing' according to their teachings and scriptures. You would be quite amazed at the amount of internal politics you have in a church community; who did this and that and why they did it. The amount of gossip is quite obscene and it's one of the reasons I stopped going to church. (btw, I didn't think you believed all Christians were hypocrites, sorry if I wrote the wrong thing down ).
  13. Probably because they subsidise the phones so much, if they let you cancel the contract for free then they'd be losing an awful lot of money.
  14. It's basically a very silly argument. It's unfortunate such things happen in mathematics (like the definition of 0^0, and things like that) - but for some reason they persist, and I'm not quite sure why. Life would be much easier if we spent less time arguing about trivial things such as this.
  15. Damn good photo
  16. A: I usually have lectures at 10am, so about 9:30am (or later ) Q: Favourite genre of music?
  17. Basically we say that as the velocity tends to c, we have that the mass of the object will tend to infinity (from a more mathematical standpoint).
  18. They have flashlights on the shuttles, so I'm guessing they must've found a way around it (like writing with ink pens).
  19. Kinda makes sense. Cheers
  20. A: About 3am. (It's 3:53am atm) Q: Got any exams this summer?
  21. Dave


    I guess vertical and as the altitude increases, pitch over to allow for the wings to take effect on landing. They're quite good fun to fly (apparently), and you can get kits to build them. I think there's a kit space shuttle glider you can get for a relatively small amount somewhere.
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