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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Might not necessarily stop them from editing them. BASIC is an interpreted language (along the similar lines of something like PHP), so it needs the source file to be in a text format for the program to actually work. I don't know whether there's any way of encrypting the program to make it "read-protected", so to speak.
  2. Possibly, but probably not much better.
  3. A: For some reason, after you've read a thread, you need to go back into the forum for which it was created. Very annoying. (btw, an Avid is a type of video editing machine, I've got one sitting next to me ) Q: IDE or SCSI?
  4. You're always going to get these kind of people on the forum. Basically, the best way to deal with them is after a few posts when they've convinced us they're just trolling - ban them from the forums, close/lock their threads and forget about them. The recent incline in the number of muppets to register probably has something to do with the fact that we're advertising the site around - however, there's been significantly more users signed up who aren't trolls than who are.
  5. It means, however, putting a certain element of trust into a system that you can't see or complain about; and as such that's probably a bad idea on a public forum.
  6. I would have thought that for someone who originally wanted to kill himself, this would be a rather ironic (and somewhat unpleasant) outcome.
  7. Nope, he got absorbed into the programming of the big rectangular thing I can't rightly remember the name of.
  8. Basically he joined the forums to troll. Trolling is against the forum rules, and therefore he's been banned. It's all in the regulations posted in the announcements forum.
  9. A: porn == teh bad with the girlfriend etc Q: Do any of you know what an Avid is?
  10. Was that your bill or something?
  11. I can't for the life of me remember who actually did this attempt, but I think it must have been the world's highest balloon flight. There was a problem with the guy's pressure suit around one of his hands, and as a result it caused blood to start pooling in his hand (obviously due to the low pressure at very high altitudes). Just so you know
  12. You'll learn something about work from whatever you get to do. More than likely you'll get the menial jobs (basically because they can make you do those without having to pay you) - but sometimes, to give you experience of what it's going to be like, you get some less menial work to do. The only problem with doing lab work is that if you're just about to start GCSEs, you'll find that some of the work will probably be quite challenging to understand. But sometimes throwing you in at the deep end can also be quite useful Wish you luck finding something to do.
  13. I think we've more or less discussed this to the extent it can be discussed tbh.
  14. Just for the sake of showing the proof, either you get a queen first, or you get some other card then a queen. You just have to put the values in for the different probabilities.
  15. Also, I'm moving this to a Physics forum since it's quite out of place in the maths section.
  16. Could someone explain what a zero-point field is?
  17. Thanks a lot
  18. Glad I didn't read this thread before I went into my relativity exam
  19. Relativistic doppler effect: f = f0 * (c-v)/(c+v) (can't remember whether that's with an object moving away or moving towards). f = doppler shifted freq, f0 = original frequency, c and v are obvious.
  20. Hmm, I'm just wondering whether it'd be a faint star or not.
  21. A: There's only so many questions you can ask before they start becoming stupid Q: What type of shoes do you wear?
  22. Yeah, I must be blind in seeing the linkage. Where is it?
  23. I think in principle it's a great idea, but it's pretty much impossible to implement in a way that suits everybody.
  24. Well we already have rules in place to defend against that sort of thing; it's just that in order to make sure that they're blatently trolling we need to let them post for a bit first. Banning a person after one post is a bit recless imo, and it does lead down a slippery slope.
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