A lot of the people in my church can quite easily be described as a hypocrite. I was born into Roman Catholicism, and although I don't resent that, I don't go to church any more; even though I still believe in God and Christ (that must pain some people on here ), I'm pretty much 100% sure that I don't follow most of the stuff the Roman Catholic church says; mainly because I think it's stupid, to be quite honest.
I don't go around announcing my religion, not because I'm not 'proud' to be Catholic, but because I've found that people tend to look upon you somewhat differently, for some utterly bizarre reason. I don't agree with most of the Christian standpoints of going out and converting as many people as possible, because I believe it's a form of pressuring people (as you stated in your post). I despise those who go around saying "God will save you! (if you join our sect for only $19.99)" because it's just one big form of hypocracy.
Sorry for posting this, but I just want to show you that not all Christians are completely hypocritical (if this is indeed showing you, which I doubt it is ).