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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Well, no, but the entire point of the thread is to say "If you had the choice of how you would die, what would it be?"
  2. A: Because the monkeys said so. Q: What's your favourite: StarCraft or Civilization?
  3. Do we still have a top 10 posters list?
  4. It's just for the most part I hate having to disect things and play around with organs - it's really not my type of thing
  5. Most hospitals have some kind of lab for results for various tests that are needed for patients. If you want to find out whether your local hospitals would let you do work experience in the labs, just give them a ring and find out (or get your school to do it ).
  6. Dave


    There's quite a few R/C controlled rocket gliders on the market as well nowadays, which are quite funky.
  7. Dave


    Getting stability on those things must be a complete nightmare.
  8. I didn't really see the point of it in the first place tbh.
  9. Lovely. Things like that made me stick to maths
  10. There were quite a few people that went to places like Manor Hospital and such when we were on work experience. I daresay that quite a few labs would welcome people interested in seeing what goes on in there - or at least I hope they would in regards to promoting science.
  11. A: I have absolutely no idea. Q: What car do you have?
  12. A lot of the people in my church can quite easily be described as a hypocrite. I was born into Roman Catholicism, and although I don't resent that, I don't go to church any more; even though I still believe in God and Christ (that must pain some people on here ), I'm pretty much 100% sure that I don't follow most of the stuff the Roman Catholic church says; mainly because I think it's stupid, to be quite honest. I don't go around announcing my religion, not because I'm not 'proud' to be Catholic, but because I've found that people tend to look upon you somewhat differently, for some utterly bizarre reason. I don't agree with most of the Christian standpoints of going out and converting as many people as possible, because I believe it's a form of pressuring people (as you stated in your post). I despise those who go around saying "God will save you! (if you join our sect for only $19.99)" because it's just one big form of hypocracy. Sorry for posting this, but I just want to show you that not all Christians are completely hypocritical (if this is indeed showing you, which I doubt it is ).
  13. It's classical in my opinion; it uses an orchestra to great extent. I don't see how it differs in any great shape to classical music from 200 years ago.
  14. It's a really good subject, as long as you don't have really bad teachers (like I did).
  15. Sounds right, I haven't done Biology since GCSE though
  16. Easy way of making starch?
  17. Yeah, I'm not really sure whether this should be public or not tbh.
  18. That's a bit too advanced for me
  19. The conservation of energy only applies to a closed system of energy; I don't think the system you're describing is closed - where does the energy come from to spontaneously make the deuterium fuse? (on a sidenote, the energy released that you calculated is wrong. The fusion of 2kg of deuterium produces a lot more energy than just 10 TeV).
  20. We're almost certainly not alone, but (apparently) the form of life we're most likely to encounter is something like single celled lifeforms or bacterium.
  21. Dave


    Try something in the field of model rocketry (a topic that I've become very interested in recently). It's challenging, especially trying to keep the rocket stable during flight.
  22. Yeah, I'm very much a believer that they're on their way out to be replaced by DVD-RW machines - much better quality stuff. They're coming down at quite a good rate as well. Completely off-topic, but never mind
  23. Quite; and I don't think that many people would do - I know I probably wouldn't have.
  24. A: Yes, with a passion. Q: Do you think Bill Gates is evil and should be shot?
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