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Everything posted by Dave

  1. It's been there all along really - I can't think of a reason why you'd actually want to teleport yourself to a planet with no atmosphere and at the farthest reaches of the solar system with no pressure suit or oxygen.
  2. Which is probably the reason that we think you're 7 cans short of a six pack.
  3. The fact it turned up so few results on google implies to me that it's probably not a widely accepted theory or it's known more commonly under another name.
  4. A: Triangle Q: What's your favourite isomorphism?
  5. Dave

    Egg Cells

  6. How do you know the universe is infinite? But apart from that, I agree with you. There must be life somewhere else in the universe; the place is just too big for there not to be. However, the chances of there being life at the same stages of evolution as us is (in my opinion) very small indeed.
  7. I was personally under the impression that most of these proofs go along the same kind of lines; anyone got a different one?
  8. Completely off-topic, it's what they use in some more expensive fog machines (dry ice).
  9. I think that idea's pretty cool; even with all the paradoxes and things
  10. A: Who knows? Q: Have you ever build model planes/rockets/things? (just to get this back on a more sciency note)
  11. I really think that the way he can go from one theme to another so smoothly is absolutely outstanding. My favourite example from this is probably at the end of episode 2, where he somehow manages to take the tune from the love theme to the end credits - absolutely brilliant
  12. Where'd you find that photo blike? Please don't tell me you googled for 17 hours just to find that
  13. Isn't that a little extreme for such a small amount of blood?
  14. You can make gases into liquids by cooling them down (a lot). Don't think they use this process for carbonated water though.
  15. No problem, it's exactly the same argument, just in a more formal styling.
  16. rofl That's the funniest piece of stats I've seen all year. To be honest I'm not going to bother arguing with you any more. If you believe that load of tripe you just posted, there's probably something wrong with you.
  17. That's what I just proved
  18. On a rather important sidenote: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3713119.stm
  19. A: Sunday roast. Q: How long (per day) do you spend on here?
  20. Plus moving your fingers around in the air can cause pressure differentials which some insects can quite easily detect.
  21. A: Hawaii with my gf Q: Why am I up at 2:07am posting on a science forum when I could be sleeping?
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