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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Also, moving this to the Number Theory forum because I think it's probably a better place for it.
  2. We did a proof for this in my analysis module. Went something along the lines of this: Let x = d0.d1d2d3... with di in the set {0,1,...,9}. From our definition of the decimal, we have that x = sumn=0 -> infinity(dn*10-n). So for 0.999 we can say that for i > 0, di = 9. Hence if we let x = 0.999, then we have: x = sumn=1 -> infinity(9/(10^n)). This is a very easy geometric progression, and if you work it out, you get x = 1. The other proof (which I'm somewhat dubious about) I learnt at GCSE (when I was 16): x = 0.999, so 10x = 9.999. Now subtract one equation from the other, so you get 9x = 9 => x = 1. As I said, I'm dubious to say the least
  3. I'd be very surprised if there wasn't some form of extraterrestrial life out there, but given the conditions that we have it must be fairly rare - whether it exists at the same time and at the same evolutionary stage as us is the question we should probably be asking.
  4. A: Catholic (although technically a Catholic church is still Christian) Q: Up or down?
  5. Yeah, that's just stupid - you can be on death row for years before the date actually comes around.
  6. Free food's always good; you can make up for forgetting to get drunk by just getting drunk tomorrow or the day after
  7. Argh! 1/0 doesn't equal infinity!
  8. rofl how was it? happy birthday btw
  9. Well, no. It's a bit of odd-shaped rock that bears a resemblance to a skull - there's lots of odd shaped rocks around here that look like things as well.
  10. Hmm, kinda out of the question. Unless faf/blike have a momentary lapse in mentality and make you a mod.
  11. Don't think so - just don't go and do it.
  12. Been reading up on it and the laws are much tighter over here. Anything over a D class requires a license to get (which is a pain) and another license to keep it (which is another pain). So I might just go for a simple starter kit for now just to get myself used to it. There's also the problem of finding somewhere to fly it - there's not a hell of a lot of big open fields that I can use over here.
  13. Currently looking into getting a kit - not sure of which type, so any advice would be appreciated. Something with a bit of oomph (but not too much) would also be nice.
  14. Dave

    Reverse Speech

    As I said before, I think it's just a load of nonsense really. Especially when a guy like the one pictured above is writing about it.
  15. On a sidenote I did make the schematic for my firing box last night which was nice. Gonna try and make it this weekend, so I'll post some pictures when I'm done.
  16. It's not such a big deal getting them, it's just the laws of transmitting things over here is pretty strict - although I have seen a 2km 2.4GHz microwave transmitter that I rather like the look of which I also think is legal to use.
  17. Doesn't matter, it was just a bit of a joke really. (but yes, I know quite a few males who come under the category of parasite as well).
  18. Dave

    where can I find

    You can usually find quartz in the centre of lumps of granite, from what I remember of my rather brief geology
  19. That's the most sensible approach. My suggestion is to go and wear body armour.
  20. That's not really mind control though (although I'm not 100% sure about what you're saying). It sounds more like basic ECG interpretation.
  21. As far as I can see you're not using a scientific condenser, just a piece of alumnium foil (unless I'm being particularlly stupid today, which could be the case considering how I'm not understanding any of my analysis ).
  22. And now having said that, I find this although the site describes itself as "pseudointellectual discussion".
  23. In fact, googling for the string "quantum string magic" returns: Results 1 - 6 of about 12 for "quantum string magic". (0.29 seconds)
  24. I tried googling for it, but found nothing of particular relevance really.
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