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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    No problem, I just hope I'm right
  2. I think that site is a little bit unscientifically based, but it's a bit hard to stop yourself getting tasered to be fair. And yes, they use about 50-100k volts.
  3. Should do, but it's still using the method of condensation (on the aluminium foil).
  4. Well, who reads PS anyway?
  5. Dave


    Off the top of my head, I remember reading that the tongue is most sensitive to bitter/poisonous substances (although I could be wrong) - don't know whether that's what you're after?
  6. Dave

    Reverse Speech

    So a horse didn't actually bite your sister then. Glad that's cleared up. Does anyone else think this thread is now blatently off topic?
  7. I think you need to make an exception for the female of the species tbh (my gf is gonna kill me now)
  8. Dave

    Hair and eye colors

  9. Personally I think we should just restrict him to pseudoscience, but that's just me.
  10. Dave


    For 2, I just did a quick google and sourced from here (which probably isn't scientifically sourced) a lab rat gets the equivalent of about 800 cans of diet coke a day.
  11. I have a habit of cracking my fingers from time to time because they become stiff. Everybody does it, no need to really worry about it.
  12. Dave

    Reverse Speech

    I've never met or seen that horse. Not odd in the slightest, but true
  13. Clearly there is "no evidence" of there being a civilization on Mars.
  14. hohoho As regards to Neptune, I think one of the Voyager probes passed it; don't think anything's gone to pluto as far as I'm aware because of the elevation from the planetary disc that the other planets lie on.
  15. I've never heard of it tbh.
  16. Also remember that concentrated sulphuric acid is very dangerous; it'll corrode your skin without caring at all.
  17. And yet it makes no sense at all. ExtraSense: I have to say, I find your name quite amusing. You have no abundance of 'sense' in any way, shape or form.
  18. I'd rather not think about that
  19. Indeed, or some kind of tight pressure suit.
  20. I remember seeing a few documentaries saying various things about some insects being able to detect minute variations in some magentic fields; whether it's true or not I don't know.
  21. In the UK I use Maplin a lot; you should be able to find some decent electronics shops around, although they're becoming quite rare nowadays.
  22. You'd be fine for a couple of milliseconds, I don't think it'd leave any permanent damage at all.
  23. I think for a question put so simply, you're probably not going to have to prove that every polynomial can be written as a product of its factors. Basically I just guessed the answer x=5 by just plugging different values in, which is the standard method at A-level in the UK (as far as I'm aware).
  24. No, you're right. If you experience sudden decompression, the presence of air in your lungs coupled with no atmospheric pressure outside would cause them to expand quite rapidly, and hence they'd probably explode within a matter of a few seconds. Not pleasent.
  25. One thing: get a decent chair. I get horrible back pains from time to time because of it.
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