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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave

    Reverse Speech

    My point exactly Although I have to say I find the idea of a axe wielding horse quite amusing.
  2. This just means you need to open *more* cans
  3. You have to bear in mind two things when doing that: 1) Rockets tend to generate a lot of heat => melting things like your airframe. 2) If you put the rockets at the top, it will become inherantly unstable because of the high centre of gravity, and also because of the misproportion of thrust along the axes which is travel; basically put, it'll probably return to the ground rather sooner than you expected
  4. And there was much rejoicing
  5. I'd rather not die, not even ideally
  6. True, but I don't really want 'died because the idiot forgot to repair the boiler' written on my gravestone
  7. Was just scrolling through the forums (as you do), and noted that Sayo has now got 5,000 posts. At the time of writing, the forum says that we currently have 50,468 seperate posts on here, which tells me that he has currently posted about 9.9072679717841008164% of the posts on here (according to Mathematica ) - something not to be sniffed at So thought I'd create this to celebrate this milestone in posting history. Well done sayo
  8. You never know - you could be that technician some day
  9. There's lots of things like that; it usually turns out to be things like weather balloons, freak weather anomalies, and various other bits floating around in the sky. There's a pretty rare occurence where nobody can actually come up with an explanation. The fact that this was picked up by the Mexican air force interests me though, since we all know who's just above Mexico.
  10. Dave

    Reverse Speech

    You can make lots of things sound like something else in reverse, it's just up to interpretation And I'd agree with Hades on that one.
  11. Just as a sidenote; if you're flying a rocket for the first time, I'd suggest using some pre-made solid rockets before you attempt to make your own just to get a bit of experience with them. (unless of course you've already played with them, in which case just ignore me )
  12. Bit wierd to be the back of an aircraft tbh. I daresay that there are numerous projects deemed classified by the US military that could have a possible explanation of this; after all, the stealth fighter was regarded by some as a UFO. I wouldn't be surprised to find this is something similar.
  13. An honourable way to go though. Personally I want a very peaceful way.
  14. Quite - especially not with something as important (and it is important to some people) as religion and scientific topics like evolution.
  15. I suppose we can say C is portable because if a program is written properly, it is very easy to port to other platforms with (comparitively) little effort.
  16. A: Yes. * Q: Should I bother going to my Geometry to Groups lecture? * but sometimes no
  17. I have to say: 1) You're talking about heating up sulphuric acid, and the gas emitted from this would definately not be pleasent. 2) Spitting acid != good. 3) Don't do it unless you like the idea of acid burns and general pain/misery. 4) In fact, just don't do it.
  18. How did we get from neck cracking to smoking? Oh, and my neck cracks from time to time as well, although I have to say that something like that has never happened to me before. If you're really concerned by it, then my suggestion would be to go and see your doctor about it.
  19. A: About as much as I'd like to be stabbed by a ninja. Repeatedly. Q: Continuing on the cheese theme: if you were a piece of cheese, who would you most like to be eaten by?
  20. Ah, the joys of having LAN filesharing (there's about 200-400 roms on our local lan).
  21. A: I once stuck a knife in a toaster. Q: What's your favourite type of cheese?
  22. Repeatedly saying the same thing is not likely to get you more responses on the topic. You just need a bit of patience.
  23. If you're looking to start using some actual electronics, I suggest you go and buy yourself a starter kit. It has a lot of resistors/capacitors that you can use for testing, and some of them (the slightly more expensive ones) have a piece of test breadboard - I'm not exactly sure what they're called - where you can just fit the components into place to allow you to test a specific circuit you've designed without having to solder in all the pieces. I've got one and they're very useful for desigining circuits and testing different components.
  24. If you actually have HyperThreading, then Windows XP uses it but none of the other windows operating systems do. Of course, pcmark could've misread the information, just look at your hardware specs I suppose.
  25. Good article. Maybe it should have included a section on not every odd-shaped piece of rock on Mars being the remains of a bloody ET or the evidence of a species of rare monkey-eating aardvarks that will invade the planet, as some members of the forums seem to be obsessed with.
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