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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave

    Wossis den?

    (I take it that it works then )
  2. I don't think comments like that serve his cause particularly well.
  3. To be fair, a google for YT2095 only gives 3 pages of hits, and that site is on the second page of results - not too hard to find out.
  4. I think a perfect example would be this; I have no idea who gave me negative rep for this post (although I could easily find out) - with the really appropriate comment 'bull'. That's really, really, useful.
  5. (For those who don't know what RSS is, take a look here - it's basically a way of 'syndicating news', as best put by the specification.)
  6. It would be very nice if there were some kind of way to get rid of bad or good reputation given to someone within a certain time constraint (perhaps 12 hrs) - in a sort of similar way to eBay's mutual retraction system with posting comments about a particular bidder. This way it makes it possible to get rid of points that were wrongly given out for either bad or good. I definately think that we should be able to see who has given us reputation. It would, as YT said, stop clutter on the forums to a certain extent (although it won't eliminate it completely). It also complements my idea above to a certain extent.
  7. I guess just YT2095 into google would probably do it.
  8. I suppose when blike et al have the time to do it
  9. It basically boils down to: unless you're going to post some good quality posts, you're going to continue to be brought down. I'm sure people on here are more than willing to give good rep points to you if you're prepared to post properly - and I really don't think there's anything else anyone can say on the matter to be quite honest.
  10. Moved here because it's a more appropriate home.
  11. I've got myself an LCD monitor (17") for about £300. They're dropping in price pretty quick, but I suggest you wait a little while before you but them. They are definately worth the money; not only do they consume less power, but they take up a lot less room and are comparitively lightweight to CRTs (which is nice for a uni student like myself).
  12. rofl I wouldn't really pay any attention to it; I don't think you're gonna get the secret service out because you 'leaked' a story about a man breaking the world record for rocket flight.
  13. Indeed. It's posts like that which will lower your reputation quite considerably.
  14. That's probably the best bit of advice I've read on here
  15. rofl RHE is quite a bit crap really
  16. Doubt it, probably wouldn't know where to look.
  17. (Just a minor point: [math]\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}[/math] for anyone that might be a bit confused )
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3639193.stm They've been waiting 45 years to do this
  19. No, but it can quite easily be brought up. No reputation system can be completely foolproof, but it is pretty good.
  20. Indeed - it can't be helping
  21. Dave

    Weird dream

    Too much detail, definately.
  22. Check your sent items box in your PMs, see if he sent anything.
  23. No, I think there's a couple people got lower, can't remember who though.
  24. I'll help with any math problems (if there are any )
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