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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Basically, it's a replacement for our current mimeTeX system that I've made for handling the math we put on the forum. You put in a piece of LaTeX code, then it takes it and renders it and displays a pretty picture. Works pretty well so far, and I've made quite a few nice images with it, I just need to get one little bit of code updated on this vB server and it'll work fine. I've already written a how-to guide for when it's up (similar to the mimeTeX one I've already done).
  2. I believe we've had a rather large thread about that, and it was quite hotly debated. I believe there's a proof on this page of the thread.
  3. If you have one body and hold it still, and then move another one around it, you're doing just that - moving it. It's not really doing anything special wrt the other body.
  4. Dave

    Mars by 2010?

    Definately. The trouble is, NASA seems to think that they own space, and that they can just govern what goes up and who sends it - as in the recent ISS stuff that's been going on with Russia.
  5. At Warwick we have a mentoring scheme for A-level students who study maths, and it basically involves a student asking a question about some sort of topic (by e-mail), and then an undergraduate - their mentor - would respond with either a hint to help them, or a fully fledged answer. This is a bit different from the normal forums, as mentoring only involves the two people involved - when a person posts a question on the forums, anyone can answer. I daresay we could use private messages instead of e-mail (and take advantage of the latex system that will hopefully be put in place either today or tomorrow, whenever blike's free ).
  6. Dave

    Weird dream

    It's a very good book, but a rather depressing one - indeed, being written by Orwell, it had an adjective named after it - Orwellian.
  7. It's quite amazing that something that is effectively electricity can generate enough force to throw you 10 feet away, or power an entire city for about a day.
  8. I'm sure you'll have fun doing that
  9. http://www.gentoo.org/ is far superior to any other linux distro portage is possibly the greatest package management system ever, you should definately give it a look. But yeah, I can't really think of anything offhand, apart from xchat, which is the best IRC client ever.
  10. I think it can be any periodic function (since you can alter sine/cosine to give you any period).
  11. The man himself ;-)
  12. Unfortunately I only managed to catch the one with the guarded off areas of housing; can't remember what they're called. That was very good.
  13. p = h/lambda applies for anything, not just light. You could find the de Broglie wavelength (that's lambda) of a double decker bus, it's just very very small
  14. There's no real solution other than (a) make the food healthier - which isn't going to happen, because it doesn't taste as nice or (b) make people aware of what they're doing, and what it does to their bodies.
  15. I'd guess since we can see how many rep points someone has, they can edit them.
  16. Trouble is, perl makes rather excessive use of regexp (which I hate with a passion). I'd much rather use PHP instead, but obviously you've got a perl script so this isn't much help. Try looking for some kind of match operator, or something like that. (In php, it's dead simple, just use str_replace ).
  17. It's the same thing as people suing McDonalds for 'making them' obese. Completely ridiculous.
  18. Dave

    New PC

    Intel's 64 bit processors really do suck atm. I could be very wrong (and possibly am), but IBM's PowerPC64 is apparently very fast (the one they've been using in the G5's), but I haven't got any comparisons, so I don't really know which is faster.
  19. I believe Mars Express found evidence of water very shortly after entering into orbit of Mars.
  20. The system's pretty clever really; it prevents abuse by stopping you giving credit to just one person; you need to spread it around a bit.
  21. emacs is cool. I guess the version you're using is the equivalent of xemacs, since emacs is originally a text editor that runs under linux on a console.
  22. The problem is here: print GUEST "<TD><font color=#FFFFFF>$FORM{'comments'}</font></TD></TR></TABLE><P>\n"; He's just putting the comments in straight from the form. On the form, carriage returns aren't done with <br> tags, they're done with newline (\n) escapes. You just need to add a bit of code to replace all occurences of '\n' with "<br>" in $FORM{'comments'} and you're done - unfortunately I don't know perl, so I can't help you there.
  23. I suppose it's because it's got lots of features and you don't have to do much to get it set up (so it would appeal to the masses).
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