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Everything posted by Dave

  1. The more rep points you have, the more you can add/subtract from someone elses points (i.e. you have more influence).
  2. There's lots of co-incidences like this - I'm pretty sure artists don't go around saying 'hmm, I wonder how we can fool the masses and put messages in reverse into the song?'
  3. Dave

    New PC

    If you were going to be building your own PC now (which I might be again in a few weeks because my server died), then I'd recommend going for the Athlon64 processor, because it kicks some serious ass. Only thing is, I don't know whether Windows supports it or not - doesn't really matter for me, I run linux
  4. One of the best episodes ever
  5. It's just I seem to make quite a few more tha most people
  6. Nice glasses ;-)
  7. Dave

    Maths Teaser

    Yah, our stats lecturer did a similar thing for breast cancer screening; statistically, it's more or less pointless.
  8. Good idea; stop people like monctur just joining to play the arcade anyway.
  9. Got any proof?
  10. Back on topic, it was an absolutely superb bit of television.
  11. It doesn't, it just takes into account the kinetic energy an object has at a specific instant in time.
  12. Yeah, mathworld in general has a hell of a lot of articles about most of the major functions in mathematics.
  13. Sounds like a brute-force question to me.
  14. git (I like macs, if you hadn't already guessed)
  15. The cube was nice. Pity it had the most powerful cd ejection system ever mounted on top of it though
  16. Yeah, the 9800 does rock immensely. Only problem I have with the ATI drivers is that they suck under xfree, but apart from that, it's a great gfx card.
  17. I prefer it pulled at a bar, but I'm not picky ;-)
  18. People alleging that they had affairs with David Beckham (the stupidly famous england/real madrid player married to posh spice) and getting paid obscene amounts of money by the tabloids for their trash.
  19. We've had to do a module of Matlab, which sucked.
  20. Favourite module would be analysis, followed pretty closely by linear algebra.
  21. Dave


    blike and fafalone are both forum administrators.
  22. I'm too tired to think atm; it's quite possible that what I posted was utter nonsense, I'll look it over tomorrow.
  23. rofl, the idea is that we give you clues to help you work it out yourself ;-)
  24. Yeah. You really have to watch the wording of the question; one slight little misphrase and it throws you off very easily (as shown quite nicely in this question).
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