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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave

    Maths Teaser

    That's what I was thinking.
  2. Well, the majority of computers now use fairly modern browsers; only a very small proportion of them don't use javascript any more. This site has quite a lot of javascript in it, for example.
  3. I suggest we just leave this thread be now; it's more or less completely exhausted all avenues of discussion on this particular subject.
  4. Mine was programmed in C++. You'll find that if you do engineering, things like MATLAB and Mathematica get used a lot, because they're moreorless tailor made for modelling environments (which is what most engineers do, unless, ofc, they want to be electronic engineers ).
  5. It's not impossible; just very hard and laborious to get working.
  6. Dave

    Maths Teaser

    I hate these questions - mainly because I can't do them. (If you can't tell, I dropped my probability B module). I think that's a pretty useless statistic, but I'm almost certainly wrong.
  7. When you think about how many ants they have to produce...
  8. The hard bit geting what you've input to affect the output. There's some quite complex math behind that. And I'd use a server-side language for that, definately not clientside.
  9. Dave


    What you're talking about, even in a hypothetical sense, is pretty impossible. Maybe if you got thousands of extremely powerful explosives (I mean more powerful than nukes), put them all along the seabed or along a diameter of the Earth, then it might (and I mean might) split the hole so wide that the Earth would effectively split in two. You have to think of the forces involved here, and they're pretty extreme.
  10. That was pretty sweet, just a shame about the camera really. Better luck next time.
  11. I think either that, or the fact he's taking square roots of negative numbers and odd things can happen.
  12. Okay, let's look at it another way. Look at the total amounts spent and received. The hotel received $30 and paid a $5 refund; totals $25 gain. The men spent $30, received a $5 refund then paid $2 to the bellboy; totals $27 deficit - this includes the $2 spent paying the bellboy, so the men actually spent $25 on the room, and $2 tipping the bellboy.
  13. That's right. In general, for things like these interest values, you can use the formula: y = x*(interest)^n to calculate the value of x after n iterations of applying interest or whatever to it. Note that this only works for values of n which are in the natural (counting) numbers - it doesn't work for n = 12.32 for example, for that you need faf's equation.
  14. Erm, it's certainly not unsolvable. Think about this a little; at the beginning of the problem, the men give $30 to the hotel. At the end of the problem, they've given $2 to the bellboy, and they've each paid $9 ($27 in total). The question says: This isn't the calculation you should be doing - infact, it's pretty meaningless. The men paid $27 total, and the bellboy pocketed $2 from that $27, which means the men paid $25 (the price of the room) plus the tip ($2). This is a pretty old problem tbh. I've tried to explain it by taking the wording a little bit from here, that has a couple other approaches that might enable you to get to grips with it a bit more.
  15. It's not really a math question - it's more of a trick question. The total cost for each of the men is $9 => $27 total price, yes. But that includes a $2 tip from their original money - there is no missing dollar.
  16. Dave


    That's a pretty nice rate you've got there.
  17. Well, yes
  18. I will be posting a new problem soonish, I was going to set another integral problem but you're probably all starting to get bored of them ;-) BrainMan: as far as I know, the pdf works fine.
  19. I'd assume you just go and dig up your garden until you find a few
  20. Not that we usually talk about science in there anyway.
  21. Nice one As of yet, I haven't been able to find any equations linking euler's constant to pi and phi directly, I'm not sure whether there is a connection or not.
  22. Indeed; the fractal generation part of my code is only 1 function long, and it's about 5 lines long. The problem is you have to do all the extraneous stuff like code image output, configuration file input, colour coding, etc. If you have some interesting ones, feel free to post them and I'll see if I can put them into the program. (btw, any mods I do to the program won't be for a while yet as I've got exams, but as soon as my 3 month vacation comes along, I'm going to be bored a lot, so I'm planning to do it then.)
  23. Dave


    They've quoted me £2200 for a clapped up old fiesta 1.2 (1996). It's to do more with your age and engine size I suppose.
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