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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter! (I'm a Roman Catholic, since everyone seems to be saying what they are )
  2. fyi, the longest wavelength of light is ~700nm (which is red).
  3. rofl
  4. You can find this, and a few others, at http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibpi.html
  5. There's quite a nice formula for calculating pi using the Fibonacci numbers; pi/4 = sum(k=1 to infinity)(arctan(1/F2k+1)) (I'd use mimeTeX but for some reason, it hates \arctan).
  6. I didn't; I made it myself from the ground up. If you want to get started with programming in general, you need to either find a book, or an online tutorial. If you're talking about programming fractals, then it's not all that hard, you just need to get your program to cope with large amounts of iteration, complex numbers and writing to image files. That program took me about a day to write, so it's not all that complex - I daresay it's a pretty inefficient program as well.
  7. Dave


    Last time I looked it was something like £0.15 GBP.
  8. Yeah, although there are some programs to let you use a microphone, but they're pretty much uncommon on most networks.
  9. yeah; except there can be lots of people in the channel, instead of just one.
  10. Can you rephrase that question? I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're trying to say.
  11. No probs, thought it'd be quite useful to have some sort of a guide, try and get some more people around.
  12. Dave


    I dunno. I know the US has very, very low petrol prices (compared to us anyway).
  13. The only reason I can think of is what swansont said above; the v^2 was obtained from observational methods.
  14. I don't think it comes from the uvast equations.
  15. Twas the first one I played as well (on my brother's at the time brand new psx).
  16. This is just a blatent plug to get people in the IRC channel - since me, faf, dawid, blike and yt seem to be the only people that use it, I thought I'd at least try and get some of you people on there For those unfamiliar to IRC, it's not that hard really. An IRC network comprises of a number of servers that are linked together. You choose a nickname, and join one or more channels on the network to talk to other people with. There are a few more things than that though. The network we're on at the moment (SorceryNet) runs a nickname and channel management system. Basically, it enables you to register a particular nickname as being used, and register a number of channels as being used. It's completely optional, but I suggest if you're gonna come on there a lot, you register your nickname. So that the services know you are who you say you are, you choose a password, and identify for that nickname when you connect to the network. More on that in a minute. First, let's get you connected. If you have Windows, I suggest you go to http://www.mirc.com/ and grab yourself a copy of mIRC. This is an IRC client that will allow you to connect to a server. There are others, but this is a good one for beginners. You'll need to change a few options on there, but it's all fairly straightforward. Make sure you select irc.sorcery.net to connect to. Once you've configured it all, hit connect to connect to SorceryNet. If it tells you that your nickname is in use, you'll need to change it. If you get a message from NickServ (the nickname service) that this nickname is registered, you'll need to find another nickname to use. You can change nicks with /nick <newnick> - leaving out the < and the >. When you're connected, type /join #scienceforums to join our channel (all channel names begin with #). Services To register your nickname, type: /msg nickserv register <password> <e-mail address> (without using the < and >). To identify for a nickname when you've registered it, type: /msg nickserv identify password. Hope this helps some more people get onto IRC
  17. Dave

    Kosovo in 2004.

    Do you have some kind of a link to a news article or something similar?
  18. Final Fantasy VII rocked.
  19. Moved to Evolution/Morphology because it's a much better home for this thread.
  20. I was thinking of adapting this program to use different fractal algorithms, if anyone would be interested in seeing them. If you would, then please suggest some nice algorithms below (or point me in the general direction), as to be fair, I don't have a lot of experience when it comes to things like fractals Cheers.
  21. The only thing I can think of is something like bacteria or some other small, fast-replicating organism. After all, some bacteria strains are now resistant to the weaker anti-biotics, and that's only after about 50 years of using them.
  22. I'd say generally that was the case.
  23. Remember what the guy that used to be in power did?
  24. That would be the most logical answer; however, others say that when an egg is fertilised, the potential is already there for the brain to become active. And when it comes to things like abortion, how do we know for sure that the baby is clinically alive? It's a very complicated issue - it has to be down to your own personal opinion really.
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