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Everything posted by Dave

  1. A large convoy is just asking to be attacked. Remember, a lot of these militant fighters show little regard for their own life - if you've got a huge convoy of troops going around, and then some guy with a pretty powerful bomb strapped to his back comes along and blows himself up, you're going to kill/maim a lot more of the soldiers. What happens when the public find out about this, and sees pictures of firstly a load of Iraqis getting slaughtered by these militants, and then the US army mowing them down? There'll be an outcry. Remember, this is a politically biased war, more than anything else, and public opinion plays a majorly large role in what's going on out there.
  2. Yes, but which point? And how do you know that it has developed to this point? That's the question everyone's trying to answer.
  3. How do you suggest they should fight it?
  4. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/kinetic/idegas.html An ideal gas has no intermolecular forces or inelastic collisions. Real gases only behave like ideal gases when they get to lower temperatures.
  5. From his own webpage (http://www.crichton-official.com/aboutmc/biography.html), he did his medical degree at Harvard, and is a medical doctor.
  6. And I doubt you want to find out either
  7. An ideal gas is one where it basically makes things easy to calculate. I can't remember the specifics offhand, but things like all collisions between molecules are elastic, things like that.
  8. The Andromeda Strain was an absoloutely fantastic read. I must have read it at least 5 times from the school library.
  9. It's very important to keep the petri lid on; especially since you don't know what bacteria you're actually cultivating - some of that stuff could be quite nasty if inhaled.
  10. Dave


    I know what you mean. Pepper spray is definately a better way of getting out of a sticky situation with a bear than shooting and possibly killing/maiming it. It's more or less the ideal solution; you get away unhurt, and the bear isn't permentantly hurt (and certainly not dead). I can't understand people that would deliberately want to hurt and maim animals (i.e. fox hunters, things like that).
  11. Good point. You wouldn't think I was doing a maths degree at university really, would you (my excuse is I haven't looked at anything like that for about 3 years).
  12. I can't think of a direct reason why it would be v2 to be totally honest (apart from the point you made about it being an observed quantity). After all, Kepler did a similar thing when it came to planetary motion.
  13. Don't think so. Think that's the real thing. It's great that they've got a working scramjet, but the problem is adapting it for use in everyday life. I don't think we're going to see any jumbo sized scramjets for a while yet
  14. Definately needs some. The entire thing is a bit of a mess atm.
  15. Dave


    Distinctly unnice. Co-incidentally, we had a lecturer who talked about bears more or less every lecture. He even ran a competition to see who could come up with the funniest drawing/cartoon of one.
  16. Oh, and that volume will then be in ml, not cm3 or some other volume measurement, because you're working from density units that use ml.
  17. Convert the mass in mols to standard units (grams), then use the fact that density = mass/volume (i.e. volume = mass*density).
  18. I won't even begin to point out the flaws in this post. But nevermind
  19. Dave


    In a lot of instances, if you shoot a bear and don't get it right, the bear won't die; it'll just want to attack you more.
  20. Ah, so it is. Cheers.
  21. Okay, I don't exactly know the answer to your question. I don't really know the significance of using v^2 instead of v in the equation, and perhaps you were using a different form of the drag equation.
  22. I can't seem to find the points anywhere, although I could be looking in the wrong place.
  23. I'm talking about this in simple terms, a perfectly flat surface (which the Earth is not), a constant gravitational force (which the Earth doesn't have) and no air resistance.
  24. To be fair, I don't like the way it renders (it's messy more than anything else), I don't like the fact that I have to use a tilde if I want a space, and I think it's a bad idea to have it render a lot of things every time a page is loaded. That's what probably caused your equations to not pop-up, BrainMan.
  25. A car racing one would be good.
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