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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I have to say, Gentoo has extremely good autodetection on the bootable cd. It's only to be recommended for more experienced users though (as you've got to do a lot of the grunt work yourself) but it's definately worth it for a system that's very nice to use and is compiled for your system.
  2. Dave

    Rockology 101

    Throw it at cars?
  3. Dave

    Walls Balls

    Hmm, never had em, or seen them for that matter.
  4. Due to the fact that (a) we've done this all before and (b) it's been blown completely out of proportion, I'm closing the thread.
  5. Also I'm not sure whether that bijection is actually a proper one, you'd have to give a definitive proof.
  6. Well, the cardinality (a kindof posh way of saying 'size' but not that exact) of a set can be different even if the set is infinite. For example, the 'size' of the set of natural numbers is different from that of the rationals and reals.
  7. rofl Is it that good?
  8. Hmm, don't think they'd be much use period tbh.
  9. Considering the amount of money these airline companies make (and indeed the amount of money these planes cost anyway) another $100k isn't going to make a lot of difference. However, whether they have a lot of use or not is debatable; if you're gonna crash into the ground at 100mph+ then an airbag isn't going to help much.
  10. I daresay they are, but I don't know why they should be. They've had a lot of bad luck with that probe according to the article, it's just a shame it didn't complete what it was sent out to do.
  11. Nah, we're discussing marketing issues
  12. just go the whole way, buy yourself a fully loaded B-52 and carpet bomb like there's no tomorrow.
  13. (a fraction p/q)
  14. To be perfectly honest, I think it's a great idea, I just don't trust the Russians not to cut corners with it because of lack of funding.
  15. But there's still another 10 days to go yet, can't be having all this merry christmas stuff yet
  16. Obviously, it's sooo much easier to just go and buy another one
  17. Mass bannage all the way.
  18. Infact, I don't even know why this thread is actually still around. I thought we'd discussed this at great length already?
  19. Unfortunately that wouldn't really go down all that well with all the civil rights groups that exist around the world, no matter what an absolute git he is.
  20. Yeah, that's what I've been seeing on all the internet shops recently.
  21. Although if Cornwall had their way, they'd be a seperate country too. Seems a bit pointless to me.
  22. Perhaps we should make dancing banana models and send them around as an incentive to post more. Or alternatively they'd drive you insane after having them for an hour on your desk.
  23. Wow, that shows a level of ignorance I just didn't think was possible.
  24. In fact, from what I remember I did post quite a bit yesterday myself because I was pretty bored. Maybe we should start a rally to get people posting more
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