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Everything posted by Dave

  1. d'oh :\ I hate it when that happens.
  2. The thing I don't feel safe about isn't the terrorists going around blowing things up, it's the way that about 3 days ago the police turn up on our road and start pulling everyone over completely randomly, and this happens on a monthly basis. Before all this started, I don't think I've ever seen it happening before. The Government has used this 'terrorist threat' to get in legislation that would otherwise just be clearly thrown out of Parliament. I just don't like the way it's going, because at this rate they'll turn it into a police state.
  3. Say if it were to be done, what use could it be? Having said this, I really don't even know whether a network of stars would fall under the definition of a neural network.
  4. Bit of a shame really, I was quite hoping that they'd fix it, and a bit of a blow for their space programme I expect.
  5. Anything physics-like. Maths isn't my entire life
  6. Excellent. Any ideas for small projects? I've got a month off from uni and I'm bored.
  7. On another sidenote, how much experimentation with random stuff do you actually do?
  8. Mozilla all the way for me.
  9. Hmm, I'm not sure about this, but I did a quick look on google for you: http://www.devguru.com/Technologies/jetsql/quickref/constraint.html This is Jet SQL so may be completely wrong, but apparently a constraint just limits what values you can put into your field, and perhaps reference other fields from different tables. Having not used it before, I'm not sure, but I don't think it's what you're after.
  10. To which category would the new forum belong? If I assume correctly, it'd be in something like the Physics section, in which case we already have a Modern/Theoretical Physics forum. I'm not sure we get enough posts on the subject to merit a completely new forum. This is my opinion on it anyway, I could be wrong.
  11. Dave


    I have a TI-89, and I have to say that it is certainly a big advantage for me to have it. As far as it goes calculus-wise, it's pretty good. I can use it to check my answers to some damn near awful problems, which saves me going and bothering my supervisor or tutor with a question. It also motivates me to work harder to get the right answer if I do get it wrong. The graphing program on it is also very useful for some graphs which are really hard to picture. It doesn't really have that much of a use from a teacher's perspective as far as I can see apart from that disadvantage which you've quoted. Feel free to correct me though
  12. ouch, that must've hurt on a sidenote, remind me not to let you in* my house. ever. * by "in", i actually mean "within a 10km radius of"
  13. Well mathematically speaking, we can just invent as many dimensions as we want. They don't necessarily have to represent any physical property. If you want some kind of 4D shape (for example, a hypercube of which I've seen a 3D representation) then all you need are 4 axes which are perpendicular to eachother.
  14. Did you test it out?
  15. editing the database, tsk blike's also too good at this
  16. yay, bannage sayo's blatently gonna win.
  17. Dave

    New Theme

    Sounds like a plan. Either that or the yellow polka dot on a florescent purple background sounds good, with bright yellow for all the threads and soforth.
  18. I hope that this year we might make significant leeway into sustaining a fusion reaction, since it's our best bet for energy after we use up all our fossil fuels
  19. Dave

    Science Fair...Yay!

    We don't even know whether they exist or not (to the best of my knowledge), and conceptually they're wierd anyway. Possibly not the best thing to do for a science fair, but if you have your heart set on it, good luck to you
  20. Why not just leave the computer on to download it? Doubt AOL would allow a file that big to be sent via e-mail anyway.
  21. go sayo go sayo *ducks*
  22. hohum I should start posting more again, but that requires effort. I prefer to be idle and watch from afar.. or something sayonara is far too good at this..
  23. moo?
  24. I'm 18 and currently reading Maths at the University of Warwick. Which is nice.
  25. A mixture of some very clever tricks and brute force.
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