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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Definately cockroaches and the like because they can adapt to a new environment very quickly. I saw something about it the other day as a matter of fact, but I can't remember anything about it (which is less than useful).
  2. hmm, don't think I'd go there for a gap year myself. Then again I prolly wouldn't do a gap year. What's he doing there?
  3. Hmm, I expect you wouldn't feel much. However, you'd probably have exploded in space before the black hole got you
  4. I think the jokes section would be out of use in pseudoscience due to the staggering amount of crap in it already
  5. pah :|
  6. I'd say something about the religious debates thing, but it would probably in turn create a religious debate. woo.
  7. thats what they all say.
  8. coincidentally, I have a relative lives in Phoenix. anyway, pizza time's good too. it does sound a bit better than tea time, also.
  9. Dave

    anyone ply sports?

    eh? I don't remember defecting to anything... personally I think the banana's quite good, if a little hypnotic - or is that just the point?
  10. Dave


    shankshaw? wtf? ack, this thread has deteriorated somewhat
  11. Unfortunately most of the time you get people like Zarkov there. but leave it there anyway. it cheers me up after a bad day
  12. I want to do it so I can call myself Dr. Dave
  13. Makes me glad I didn't bother going for an FX card in that case
  14. Dave


  15. lo there I really hope that isn't a life-like representation in your avatar.
  16. sounds cool, especially the killing bit... ahem.
  17. Dave

    anyone ply sports?

    I should bloody well hope not
  18. oh no, you'll have everyone from the religious forums starting a debate about human idols :\
  19. Tea time's always around 7 here, seems to be somewhat of a tradition.
  20. Dave


    look at him run! it's just like the great escape all over again. except without spoons.
  21. No, they don't all decay down to photons. Photons are just a way of conserving energy (and also are exchange particles for the electrostatic force).
  22. nobody started an appreciation thread for me oh well, shit happens.
  23. Unless they decide to make it all public (which, lets face it, is highly unlikely) then we'll just end up creating loads of silly conspiracy theories, which just annoy everyone.
  24. Hmm, distcc could be of great benefit there.
  25. Radeon 9800pro. Although to be fair, it's just the 9700 overclocked, but it still rocks.
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