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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Trouble is, I just don't know too many people like me that'll sit here replying to posts on science all day long. Oh well.
  2. Dave


    Hmm, then you'd probably get beaten for not showering and stinking the place out. Either way you look at it, you're screwed.
  3. What's this game you're all going on about?
  4. when the schools are out I'm pretty damn cautious - they just tend to jump out from behind cars randomly without looking around here. same for newspaper delivery kids
  5. Dave

    anyone ply sports?

    pah I need to exercise more
  6. I quite like the riff in Muse - Plug in Baby
  7. Dave

    Alien Writing

    My stance on it is that those graphics are highly unlikely to be written by aliens. I think that's just about all I need to say there
  8. Dave


    If the economy is going through a bad phase, then it's less likely that people are going to want to build a house/road/bridge unless they have a big wad of cash - which makes engineers less in demand.
  9. Dave


    If you want to get into that kind of thing, then pick up a book or two (+compiler) and start learning/messing around. I highly doubt anyone will supply detailed source code in regards to making a brilliant java program. Unless, ofc, the program is under the GPL.
  10. We should probably advertise this place more
  11. Dave

    anyone ply sports?

    Oh yeah, also into rugby as well.
  12. Dave

    anyone ply sports?

    I play tennis and do swimming a lot. I'll watch sport if it's (a) decent and (b) on the tele.
  13. Dave


    Probably not. And if anyone drops their soap in the shower, run.
  14. I have absolutely no idea. I'm quite interested in getting into research/lecturing, but that doesn't pay too well. I might do my PhD and then go into industry somewhere, I don't know yet.
  15. Yeah, I read the PA forums mainly for amusement but they seem to have gone downhill in the past few months, especially GD - not surprisingly really.
  16. Apparently not.
  17. Yeah, in his uberleet sports car. He must do some serious speed in that thing.
  18. rofl (i can actually envisage that happening to my dad)
  19. They don't collide as such, but exchange other particles (known as exchange particles, heh). Or that's what a-level physics has taught me anyway.
  20. shh, i was getting there.. or something your avatar says it all
  21. You'll prolly wanna ban me in about a week then when I start buying the components for my new PC: 3.2GHz P4 (800 fsb etc) Asus motherboard with the bits and bobs for HT and 800 fsb etc 120gb SATA drive radeon 9800 pro 17" tft monitor (cheapish samsung) 1gb PC3200 ram CD-RW (can't quite afford a DVD-RW yet) DVD drive and all the other stuff case from http://www.xcase.co.uk/ as they do nice cases. w00t
  22. Hi there Morrgan by the way, forgot to say that in my first post. I've had a lot of help from tutors at school. I'm no Einstein/child prodigy, I just like studying the subject.
  23. I find the IQ stuff quite hard to be honest. I'll probably take one in the future though just to see how I do.
  24. The best one I've seen so far is:
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