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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I had originally posted something thinking that the problem is relatively trivial. Normally, one would integrate both sides of the differential equation and get: [math]x(t) = \int \cos(t^2)\, dt[/math] However, as far as I know, there's no easy way of evaluating that right hand side integral. Is this problem just for fun, or is it an assignment of some sort? If the latter, which class are you taking it in, and are you allowed to use some sort of numerical method (e.g. forward Euler)?
  2. Oh, those were the days. Anyone else here used to play EmpireQuest?
  3. My mistake. Just ignore me
  4. Thanks for the feedback; I'm sure someone might find that useful in the future
  5. Also, was the autoplay application loading and causing that error? Although, to be honest, that would be quite strange - but stranger things have happened with Windows
  6. Don't worry, they just become inactive over time
  7. Well, you just confirmed his answer; the question states "how many more men", not "how many men" Your answer of 32 corroborates his of an 11-man increase.
  8. Check the surface of the disk to make sure that there are no big scratches or obvious places where the laser might have trouble reading the disk. If you can't find any but are still having problems, I suggest you take it back to the shop where you bought it and get a replacement - I'm sure they'd be happy to replace it.
  9. Just talked on IRC about this, and for the record, not all points of inflection are critical points. I suggest that we simply talk about critical points since that's what the original poster wanted
  10. No it doesn't - at least not all of the time. Take the graph [imath]y=x^4[/imath]. Setting the second derivative equal to zero gives [imath]12x^2 = 0 \Rightarrow x = 0[/imath]. This certainly has zero as a root and zero is a critical point, but zero is not a point of inflexion. Besides this, what exactly is the point anyway? All critical points, including points of inflexion are given by setting the first derivative equal to zero and finding the roots. Classifying those points can be quite tricky for some functions, and in many cases you'll have to consider higher order derivatives, or just evaluate points close to your fixed point. Indeed, for the fixed point of the function above, classifying means looking at points either side of the graph.
  11. I have had similar experiences. I took the Edexcel A-level Computing course. We studied quite a lot of things, from general GCSE IT-style stuff to computer architecture and design. There's a lot more emphasis on programming and learning how a computer actually works on the inside. A-level ICT is no comparison really. Just to give you an idea of what goes on, for my AS-level coursework I designed a Tic-Tac-Toe game in VB, converted a recursive algorithm to a iterative one and created an Access database. Generally you have to find your own project for the A-level coursework; I created a website for my dad's finance stuff.
  12. Dave


    Sorry, just so I made this clear; I'm not saying that you shouldn't run a firewall, because of course you should. Leaving services such as ssh exposed un-necessarily is a big security risk. However, there's a distinction between blocking and allowing traffic on certain ports, and filtering out a webpage based upon content
  13. Sorry, couldn't help but note this as I was going through. You certainly shouldn't do this, assuming you're trying to find the nature of a critical point. Rather, you get the stability of a steady state by evaluating the second derivative at each point, then look at the sign of the derivative.
  14. Specifically, the first and second tutorials will be most useful.
  15. In terms of what happens, it's actually fairly simple. "LaTeX" is a fairly generic term, which just defines a command structure, syntax, fonts, and the like. In order to make actual use of it, you need a distribution such as teTeX (for linux) or MiKTeX (for Windows). Each distribution contains only the command-line applications which make everything work. TeXnicCentre is just a fancy GUI which, basically, runs all of the right commands in the right order and has a nice interface to make your life easier. Basically, there's a "process" to all of this. Firstly, you write your source file, which lists all the commands and text that you want to translate into a document. Then you have a number of options. Generically, the "latex" command will take your source file, and output something called a DVI file which can be viewed later. If you want a PostScript file (.ps), then a conversion tool called dvips will take a dvi and convert into a ps; as the name suggests. Alternatively, if you want a PDF, TeXnicCenter will then run "pdflatex" which translates your source into a workable PDF automagically without creating a DVI or PS file. Generally, just create a PDF file. They're the easiest things to view at the end of the day, and they look pretty good too. You can view PostScript using something like GSview, but unless you're going to be using something fancy like pstricks then it's not really worth it. Overfull hbox generally means that a particular cell of text has gone past the boundaries of the margin. It should just be a warning; you should still get a reasonably workable PS or PDF at the end of it. If you're looking for examples, check out: http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~dwilkins/LaTeXPrimer/ It's got a whole heap of stuff there, along with the full LaTeX files to try out. That's where I first learnt it from. It's definately worth investing the time to try and learn LaTeX, as it is a very powerful typesetting tool.
  16. Dave


    A *nix server is just a term for a server running some UNIX-like operating system; for example, FreeBSD or just bog standard Linux. In terms of the software, VPN stuff can be quite complex under linux, although there are many good guides out there. I also feel that "firewall" is very much an overused phrase these days; a firewall is used to determine whether incoming and outgoing traffic should be blocked using a series of very simple rules, such as MAC address testing and the like. What you're after is a proxy server which filters out all of the websites that you don't necessarily want employees looking at. On linux, something like Squid is probably your best bet (do a google search for "squid proxy"). Either that or you could just use mod_proxy on apache.
  17. If you use something like grub as your bootloader, it's as simple as specifying which option you want to boot by default, and then setting some kind of time delay. lilo is a little more complex to set up, but it's the same principle.
  18. Look up the couple of calculus lessons that I've posted in this forum. I've tried to explain the concept of a limit there, and how it all ties together with the derivative.
  19. LaTeX is pretty easy to learn and get very nice results out of; in the time that you spend typing millions of equations into Microsoft Equation Editor, you could have learnt and done the essay in LaTeX. TeXnicCenter and miktex are a pretty killer combination for the Windows platform
  20. Dave

    mp3 tagger

    If you're proposing what I think you're proposing, then it's not going to be very useful since there's a whole load of ways that one could encode the file, and hence you'd get a load of different md5 hashes.
  21. Sounds like it might be a problem with vB. Hopefully I'll be able to upgrade to vB 3.5.4 sometime this afternoon and maybe that will sort a few of these bugs out.
  22. Personally, I still think it might be a video overlay problem. Basically, when you run a video file through a decoder, you can generally expect the video frames to be encoded as YUV (I420 or some other format). Unfortunately, YUV isn't a nice format to blit to the screen; RGB is the preferred choice. This is why 99% of video cards have an onboard YUV<->RGB converter for hardware-accelerated colorspace conversion. I've had exactly the same problem as you (no video but sound and thumbnails), and turning the video overlay off seemed to fix the problem. If you're using Media Player 10, you can do this by going into Tools->Options and selecting the "Performance" tab. Then click the "Advanced" button and deselect the "Use Overlays" option. If that doesn't work then clearly I was wrong
  23. When an application like this starts up, it generally changes the monitor settings depending on the resolution you want. When it exits nicely, it should change these settings back. However, this clearly didn't happen in your case since the program crashed, and I suspect Windows 98 isn't quite intelligent enough to put the monitor settings back to how they were. I've no idea why you have no mouse; it could be that it's just not visible on the current screen area, or something more fundamental might be going wrong. That's the probable cause, but I don't have any suggestions on how to actually fix the problem
  24. I don't think that stopping him "uploading" is a particularly good idea; doing so would just entail cutting his internet connection off. You might want to consider throttling the upload bandwidth that comes from his machine if you have an advanced enough router, or limiting the number of simultaneous connections to something small.
  25. "Probably not" is the short answer. Search engines are pretty advanced these days, and would almost certainly count the new domain as just being a link to the old one.
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