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Everything posted by Dave

  1. "Probably not" is the short answer. Search engines are pretty advanced these days, and would almost certainly count the new domain as just being a link to the old one.
  2. Well, you don't need that to run games at a decent speed. If you want to buy cheaper stuff, you just have to make the sacrifice of running games at lower resolutions or just not running them at all.
  3. I should just point out quickly that headers are sent in both directions. That is, on the client side, they can be used to send referrers, specify which page to grab, etc. On the server-side, they consist of things like Content-type: text/html, the size of the output, any cookies which are to be altered, and soforth.
  4. Well, either that or buy yourself a big fat pipe with lots of upstream capacity Generally a lot of error checking is done as a part of the TCP/IP protocol, and acknowledging that a packet has been received, etc. I suspect that your download manager may be using multiple streams as a speed booster, perhaps. In this case, each stream would be sending back quite a lot of data to the host, which may be slowing your ping down quite a lot. There's no other solution than to pull the plug on your friend really
  5. Generally the only graphics cards which are going to use shared RAM are the low-end, integrated options. So even that addition would make next to no performance boost.
  6. Most laptops have the graphics chip soldered straight onto the motherboard; 99 times out of 100 they're not designed to be replaced.
  7. As Aeternus rightly points out, the problem is not only that Microsoft shipped Media Player with XP, but the lack of documentation for the APIs, stopping rival companies producing similar products. The reason that the EU is taking Microsoft to the cleaners is that they are deliberately dragging their heels in producing the aforementioned documentation, because they know that ultimately it will affect their profit margins. You call the EU "unintelligent". Frankly, this is one of the better judgements they've made. A company whose sole aim is to stifle other, and potentially far better products with such a massive market share needs to be told when to stop.
  8. Surely integration by parts is the obvious approach? [math]\int x^5\ln(x)dx = \tfrac{1}{6} x^6 \ln x - \tfrac{1}{6}\int x^5 dx[/math] Edit: I should think a similar trick will work for the second integral as well.
  9. Could be a video overlay problem. Try disabling the hardware overlay option (can't remember where it is) and try again.
  10. The idea is that given [math]x=A\sin(rt + b)[/math], you can work out [math]x'(t)[/math] and [math]x''(t)[/math], then substitute these back into the equation to get some trigonometric problem to solve for t. You shouldn't have any x's in it at all.
  11. The problem I see with this service is if you're going to move to another host. I would doubt that Microsoft would allow you to transfer the domain to another holder, meaning that you're forever stuck with them unless you wait for the domain to expire
  12. After some careful deliberation, we've decided to appoint three new moderators to the staff in order to help us out with the current post-frenzy. These, are, in no particular order: Cap'n Refsmmat, In My Memory and woelen. I hope you'll join me in congratulating them I hope you won't give them too hard a time, and congratulations from me for getting the attention of the staff
  13. Don't forget that you can export all of your private messages as XML, text and another format which I've forgotten and can't be bothered looking up
  14. The results from the polls are now in. Congratulations to our winners: Most Helpful Member: 5614 Most Improved Member: yourdadonapogos Most Enjoyable Member: AzurePhoenix Best Debater: In My Memory Most Interesting Member: AzurePhoenix Most Knowledgable Member: Klaynos We'll think of something special to do for these guys And a special congratulation to AzurePhoenix for winning not one, but two awards. To you all; thank you all for taking part! It's been great to see so many great members of the community voting and contributing, and I hope that we can do this in another 12 months time. Cheers
  15. Edited that for you so that people don't get confused later on
  16. Sorry about that folks; not exactly sure what happened there. But I've changed the limit back to 100 so all should be well and good now.
  17. Yes, if you have a fraction with the polynominal on the numerator greater than or equal to the degree of the polynominal in the demoninator, then you will need to perform long division.
  18. Grab a copy of knoppix - those have qtparted on them by default.
  19. Partition Magic is pretty good for this. Either that or you could use something like qtparted if you're using Linux.
  20. I think I posted it in the Announcements forum about a year ago, but it didn't seem to be especially popular with people
  21. Don't want to steal your thunder or anything, but I made one of these a while back http://www.scienceforums.net/searchplugin/
  22. I'll sort that out; I think I probably know what the problem is.
  23. Can you give me an example?
  24. The threads are now up in the Suggestions/Comments forum, so go and vote now! Everyone (including staff and experts) are allowed vote, so have fun
  25. SFN User Awards: Most Improved Member This thread is for voting on the most improved member as nominated by you. Your choices are: pcs sunspot yourdadonapogos Please do not post your votes in the thread. Vote on the poll above.
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