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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave

    SFN Christmas logo

    I have no access to Photoshop until tomorrow, but I'll try and come up with something Edit: I've got a few spare hours, so I'm downloading the Photoshop demo.
  2. I'm sorry for not getting around to this sooner, but it only got pointed out to me yesterday - I'm afraid I missed it until then Best way of getting me to do something is to send me an e-mail or PM.
  3. Personally, if you want to do this quite quietly, then I would suggest drilling holes at strategic locations and using something like liquid nitrogen to cool down the rock to a point where it's easy to crack off with a sledgehammer. I've seen it done before, but you're going to need big drill bits
  4. Dave

    hair loss?!

    If you're concerned about a particular problem, then by far the best idea is to see a medical practictioner as soon as possible. Hopefully they should be able to shed some more light on the matter
  5. Only just seen this post. Does anybody know whether his proof has been peer-reviewed yet?
  6. Another generic welcome to everybody who's joined since I last posted in this thread
  7. Yeah, there will be some added just as soon as the chemisty experts/mods decide on the names and descriptions. I don't know enough about the subject to suggest any at this time
  8. This is why I always suggest other people answer electronics questions
  9. Dave

    New Physics Area

    Here's the list: This list was produced by Martin with the input from the rest of the experts. There's also been some discussion about whether the "Classical and Quantum Basics" forum would be merged into the this (the general) forum, since they're virtually the same thing. The transitions from old to new forum names are fairly obvious, I think.
  10. Dave

    New Physics Area

    There have been some proposed renames for a while now, but nobody has actually got around to getting them implemented. I'll post them here, and if you guys can provide some feedback then that would be great.
  11. If I can figure a decent way of doing it I'll break out Photoshop when I get back and see if I can at least make it slightly Christmassy or whatever.
  12. You're unlikely to burn them out unless you put quite a large voltage across the terminals. I would suggest trying a fairly reasonable voltage (5-12V) and connect them up to two of the terminals until the motor starts to spin. I don't know whether there's any sort of standard when it comes to this though, so probably best for YT or someone similar to answer who probably knows the answer (Moved to Engineering since it seems a more appropriate place than GD).
  13. I think it definately has the potential to change a lot of things. The one application that's sticking in my mind is making ultra-efficient aircraft; if you can substantially reduce the weight of the aircraft, then less thrust (and hence fuel) can be used to get it from A to B. Let's just hope they can find a cheap way of mass-producing the stuff
  14. Dave

    New Physics Area

    This new Physics area can be treated as a "General Physics" section, where you can post new topics which can't be categorized into a specific sub-forum. Enjoy
  15. You might have noticed some changes to the layout of the boards. Primarily, it's been done to try and compact down the front page to make everything more accessible. However, you might all think otherwise, so please leave all your feedback here on what you think. Also, constructive criticism only, please Posts like "OMG YOU SUCK" just don't help anybody.
  16. I'm not going to be introducing a load of new fora, but I'll re-order them in a more sensible way. I'm going to start off and get going with the re-organisation in a few minutes, though.
  17. Plus, there's quite a few PHP functions that you just won't find in Java. I'm not saying that it's impossible to port over, but you definately need some experience with PHP and the various functions to understand what the script does in the first place.
  18. Moved to Speculations. It's clearly not Classical Physics, that's for sure.
  19. I'd familiarise myself with PHP before taking the plunge into quite a big project such as this.
  20. If you have a microphone, it might be an idea to try and record what your speakers are playing, so we can diagnose the problem a little easier.
  21. Sorry, but some of us are quite busy. This isn't a place to get your homework done for you. We'll offer hints, but in the end it's your responsibility to get assignments done. Clearly you were more than capable of doing this particular problem, so we obviously wouldn't have helped that much anyway.
  22. Yes, I've been considering this myself over the past few weeks. About a year and a half ago, the Chemistry section did indeed have a couple of forums, but it wasn't particularly successful and I put forward the suggestion to combine them into a single forum. However, it seems that the Chemistry section has been very popular amongst the newcomers, and activity has peaked there quite a bit. So, in hindsight, it was a bit of a bad suggestion from myself. I've recently had the thought of redesigning the forums a bit, and having a general "Sciences" category. Then each discipline can have specialised subfora, as well as a general category. So for example, it might look something like this: -+ Sciences |-+ Physics [i](new)[/i] | |- Classical Mechanics | |- Quantum Mechanics | |- Relativity | |- Modern/Theoretical Physics | |- Astronomy and Cosmology |-+ Mathematics [i](old general mathematics forum)[/i] | |- Analysis and Calculus | |- Linear Algebra and Group Theory [i](rename of Abstract Algebra)[/i] | |- Applied Mathematics | |- Math Problems |-+ Medical Sciences [i](old general medicine forum)[/i] | |- Anatomy and Physiology | |- Microbiology and Immunology | |- Genetics | |- Neuroscience | |- Psychiatry and Psychology |-+ Chemistry [i](old chemistry forum)[/i] | |- ... [i](to be decided)[/i] |-+ Biological Sciences [i](old general biology forum)[/i] | |- Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology | |- Ecology and the Environment | |- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |-+ Computer Science | |- Computer Help |-+ Engineering What I'll try and do is create a static HTML file with these subforum arrangements and show everybody what it looks like. Of course, this is only speculative at best (I haven't even asked the staff what they think yet ) but I think it'd make the entire thing a lot more compact and easier to digest.
  23. Not a problem
  24. I'm confused about what you're actually asking. Perhaps a diagram would be of assistance?
  25. Aside from being completely and utterly off-topic, I can't really see the purpose of this thread apart from flame-bait. Please get the thread back on-topic, and avoid personal insults, otherwise I'll be forced to close the thread.
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