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Everything posted by Dave

  1. From a mathematical standpoint, the entire thing comes from the calculus of variations; basically, you try to minimize or maximize integrals in the same way that you might work out the first derivative to find critical points on a function. Sounds useless and somewhat whimsicle, but it allows you to work out things like the shapes of hanging ropes or shortest route from A to B over rough terrain. The general method was developed by Euler and Lagrange (hence they're called the Euler-Lagrange equations). However, I'm not totally boned up as to who did what when. It would seem logical, for me at least, that Hamilton and Lagrange had some sort of correspondence and came up with a method of implementing Hamilton's Principle using actions etc. After this it might have been generalized with some assistance from Euler. This is only me guessing though, so who knows
  2. I don't have time for this rubbish. Unless you can come up for a very good reason for re-opening the thread, it's closed until further notice.
  3. I'd appreciate it if people didn't bring creationism into threads where it blatently isn't implied or needed. This is a science forum, and you are posting on a thread in the Physics section. Please refrain from doing it in future, please.
  4. In regards to the second question, are you looking for the actual derivation from the principle, or a more historical explanation? I can't help with the latter, but I've studied the former in a course at the end of last year. However, I don't want to post something that you already know
  5. I'm closing this thread because it's going nowhere. I'm tired of people trying to disprove relativity, simply because it doesn't seem intuitive to them. Deal with it elsewhere.
  6. ..or not. Seriously, you guys need to stop trying to disprove everything ever invented in Physics, and get on with something more productive. I'm just about sick of reading this stuff. That site is bad, even for Pseudoscience - and that's saying something.
  7. No problem It might interest you to know that there's a general formula for sin(nx), where n = 2, 3, ... You can find it here. The derivation isn't particularly hard, but you have to know a bit about complex numbers.
  8. I suppose it would be kindof immoral for me to not to point out that this might expose you to popups being sent to you over the net. It certainly happened to me a few times in Win 2k before I turned Messenger off, but if you're behind a firewall you shouldn't have a problem.
  9. Screen capture may or may not work - it uses the 2D acceleration on your graphics card - but the image would be jerky, at best. At least I haven't found a decent one yet.
  10. Personally, I don't see the problem with this thread. However, this is obviously a sore point. I'm going to close it, and I expect that the topic will probably come up at a later date.
  11. In much a similar way to sin(2x). You can use the fact that sin(3x) = sin(x + 2x), coupled with the formula for sin(2x) and the composite angle identity.
  12. Dave

    P4a or P4b

    Yeah, most do and have done for the past 5 years or so. It's just the older Athlon XP's that tend to ignite these days - the later ones have overheating protection.
  13. Indeed.
  14. I think they're considering the case where the triangle is defined to have B of length tan(a), for one reason or another. At least, that's my interpretation of it.
  15. Dave

    P4a or P4b

    I'd rather find out that way than through an older AthlonXP blowing up in my face
  16. You can do it, but you'll need a decent application to save the stream as a movie. I'll have to look up some applications when I get back home. The only problem that I can foresee is that WMP formats tend to have a hefty lump of DRM attached to them. It may be a protected stream, and if that is the case you won't be able to record it.
  17. You'll need to have the Messenger service running on both computers for this to work - spyware programs and the like often disable this.
  18. Dave

    Am I right?

    No. It's all about explaining the physical processes behind the world through observation and scientific methods.
  19. Go go Bulldog 8mbps ADSL
  20. On websites, where people want to put some uber linkage to the site. Lots of people have "affiliates" sections on their sites, filled with 88x31 images.
  21. Dave

    gas prices

  22. Well, in my eyes, this is an ideal opportunity for the Democrats to change things. People are obviously unhappy with their current Government, and I think it would be well worth the while for Democrats to at least attempt to educate the public. Unfortunately I can't see this happening any time soon.
  23. Dave

    P4a or P4b

    It's not a huge leap of logic to assume that the earlier P4 switches itself off, and they improved upon this in the second version. I have to say that I don't know for sure though, and I'm too lazy to be searching atm
  24. No, but undoubtedly it will be mentioned somewhere. This is the program I watched. Maybe I'm just being too cynical
  25. No, it isn't. As I, and others, have pointed out many times. That's not hacking. Things like that are just a pain in the ass for the system administrator, at the end of the day.
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