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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I'm not putting up with this sort of rubbish. If you want to post conspiracy theories, get a blog. Thread closed.
  2. Yeah, this is just stupid. What a waste of a good thread. Closed.
  3. Let me know if it works now. I moved the template over to the default SFN theme so it should (theoretically) work.
  4. Neither of you is using the old SFN theme perchance are you?
  5. Dave


    I did see your message, but you'd already left by the time I got there. We were just afk
  6. Dave


    That's okay, but you don't need to keep saying "by defn of a subspace".
  7. Dot com.
  8. Which browser are you using?
  9. I'm all for it. Sounds like a really good plan
  10. The one thing they are useful for (and I'll give them credit for this) is something like network booting. If you want a diskless system, it's usually a lot easier to have a floppy with the netboot code, rather than mess around with EEPROMs on the network cards.
  11. Hi. Luckily for you, I didn't see this post sooner. However, I'd like to point out quite strongly that we don't provide homework answers on here. Demanding them from people is neither polite, nor does it serve your purpose. Comments like this make me quite annoyed. It is not enough that you want your homework done for you, but you don't expect nothing less than pristine answers written out in perfect examination style to better your chances at passing? Quite frankly, your lack of respect for other members of this board is astounding. That's not what SFN is all about. If you want your work done for you, then go elsewhere. I don't have time for this sort of rubbish. Thread closed.
  12. Dave


    Think about it. Take an element v in U int W and a constant k in the associated field. What do you know about that element? Well, for sure, v is in U and also, v is in W. Now, since U is a vector field, surely kv is in U as well? This is such a big hint that you should be able to get it from here. The proof is literally 3 lines long - one for each of the cases.
  13. There's a pretty good article on this here. Saves me writing out the same stuff, so I'll direct you to that
  14. I'm quite happy to say that I've not had a floppy drive for over 7 years, and haven't looked back since. From my experience, they're just not big or reliable enough for keeping documents on.
  15. I think that this thread has gone on long enough. Thread closed.
  16. Dave


    Everything you want to know about neutron stars, and more.
  17. I'd agree. Java's definately the way to go if you want to programme apps for mobiles. The major difficulty you will have is learning to programme using objects, but once you've overcome this, it's a very nice paradigm to use. Good luck
  18. I wholeheartedly agree with you on this point. With these new price hikes, there is a golden opportunity for the open-source community to make a stand and start pushing products. More importantly, it would send a good message to the open-source community as a whole: "if OpenOffice can do it, so can we" type of thing.
  19. Just to nip this one in the bud, please don't let the thread turn into (a) a gay marriage debate (we've had far too many already), (b) a mud-slinging match. I'm aware that this is a pretty sensitive issue, and one influenced strongly by prejudice and emotion. Let's keep this one clean, eh?
  20. I should probably add that I don't have any intention of letting the thread re-open. Pretty obvious we're just going to have a lovely circular argument going on which isn't fun for anyone.
  21. Just thought I'd point out that the derivative of a constant is zero.
  22. I've been meaning to post an interesting article by el Reg on here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/07/28/microsoft_skus/ For one, I've stopped using Office and switched to OpenOffice. The latest 2.0beta (1.9.something) is excellent. Whilst I agree, Pangloss, that many large companies can attribute the cost of software to fixed costs etc, many small companies, who are struggling to get off the ground, are unlikely to be able to afford the price hikes that Microsoft plan to introduce. Ultimately they're going to alienate their userbase if they're not careful.
  23. Personally I'd say it looks the most managable (for me, at least). Don't know about trivial, but I've not doodled with it yet so I couldn't really say. I hate these kind of questions though - I just don't have the brain for them.
  24. Dave


    In regards to the LaTeX commands, you can use [math]U \cap V[/math] and [math]U \cup V[/math]. (Click on the images for the LaTeX).
  25. Personally I was going to suggest the alternating harmonic series (saves writing the square root), but that'll do just fine
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