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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I can't promise anything but I'll take a look. I'm fairly sure there'll be a hack out there somewhere for it.
  2. Quite. The cost of the developing tools for Windows is precisely the reason why I don't bother developing applications. Why bother when I can use X and GTK for absolutely nothing?
  3. It's a pretty standard way of dealing with things like continued fractions and nested things in general. You'll still need logs to get the answer, which I think is [math]x = \frac{\log 3}{\log 2}[/math].
  4. I got the radius of convergence coming out as [imath]\frac{3}{2}[/imath]. I got it by working out: [math]R = \lim_{k\to\infty} \left| \frac{a_k}{a_{k+1}} \right|[/math] Because of that 3n in the denominator, you should definately be left with a 3 hanging around somewhere.
  5. It's a binomial expansion of [math]\frac{1}{1+\frac{t}{3}}[/math].
  6. Dave

    yet another

    This looks to be a generalisation of the complex roots of unity. Solving [math]z^n = 1[/math] will give you roots [math]z = e^{\frac{2\pi k}{n}}[/math] where [math]k \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}[/math] (this follows easily from de Moivre). The sum of these roots is fairly easy. Hopefully this should be enough to get you started
  7. I believe you can solve it by saying that: [math]2^x = 3 \sqrt{3\sqrt{3\sqrt{3 \dots}}} = 3 \sqrt{2^x}[/math]. Haven't done one of these in a while though, so I could be wrong
  8. I think his point is that people are forced to upgrade since, say, a person using Word 2000 can't open Word 2003 files without losing some of the formatting.
  9. Comments like this make my life happier. Regardless of this, I'd appreciate it if you (and anyone else) refrained from making more comments on this sort of thing. If you want to slate liberals, then do it in the Politics forum.
  10. Okay, let's have a look at this. Firstly, your main argument seems to be, well, "DELL SUCKS!!!!" Now, you must ask yourself this question: why do you find their products so bad? So far, your arguments have been: They're not made in the US. You seem to be hung up on this. The simple fact is, not a lot of people care where it comes from as long as it actually gets there. They use child labour. Really? Got proof? You can't play games on them. Solitaire? Minesweeper? Those are the kind of games that get played on a regular basis, because not everybody is interested in the latest FPS. Besides this, my housemate has a Dell and can easily manage to play HL2 at a decent framerate, so the integrated graphics aren't all that bad. The keyboard is not comfortable to use. That's your personal opinion. Based, again, off of the one computer you've used. I can't find a valid reason in that list as to why anyone shouldn't go and buy a Dell machine. I won't go into your comments on the machine in question, because there isn't very much point at all. Whilst the Pentium 4-M might not be the latest in CPUs, it's certainly a decent processor and, more importantly, it'll let the user of the laptop do whatever they want within reason. My girlfriend's laptop has a Celeron 2.4Ghz; one of the cheapest processors around. It does everything that she needs it to, and she's perfectly happy with that. As for your comment about the monitor: well, I'm going to be purchasing a 12" PowerBook G4 because I want something that is more compact. The Cyber laptop, if you look closely, has a widescreen monitor which makes it quite bulky to carry around. Portability is a major issue for some people. You also say that "Performance = quality". Since when? You can get some very high-end machines that are extremely cheap, but extremely poor quality. At the end of the day, most people are going to go for companies that are reputable for this very reason. I'd even go as far as to say that they'd be willing to pay more for it. Finally, I have to say that your posts contain far too much in the way of arrogance and superiority. Whilst you may know a fair amount about computers, don't try to jam it down other peoples' throats - it's just not nice.
  11. I'm getting really, really fed up with these threads being hijacked. This thread has NOTHING to do with Windows. It is a simple discussion of how to use basic features in Linux. If you havent got anything to contribute to this discussion then don't. I'll be issuing warning points for those who wish to continue to ignore me.
  12. Yeah, that gap just needs to be filled in.
  13. He means this: You obviously need to show more working in between those two steps
  14. Dave


    What exactly are you trying to do here? I'm not quite understanding the question personally
  15. Economic Left/Right: -6.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.26 GO COMMUNISM!! (or not)
  16. Oh God, I'm not having this thread turning into another "OMG LINUX IS TEH ROXOR!!!!" "NO IT AER NOT!"&£*!"£" type-debate. Please don't let it get that way or I'm just going to close it.
  17. That's quite a good spec. The Dell laptops come at quite a nice price as well.
  18. I recommend Partition Magic. It's not free (I think they do a demo or something), but it allows you to delete the old partition and resize the existing one to fill the entire disk. I've used it quite a lot.
  19. All I can say is that I'll believe it when I see it. XP startup times are good, but they deteriorate over time. Bootvis is needed to fix them properly.
  20. I was certainly taught it in my Further Maths modules (P5, if i remember rightly). It's not all that interesting, really.
  21. Sorry, I didn't realise that was the question I would probably start from a0 as well.
  22. MS haven't really said a lot about how they're going to do the backporting of features. I guess things like winfs will be released in service packs, but god only know how long we'll have to wait for them.
  23. Usually the second year is a beast, and then 3rd year is on the same kind of level.
  24. In my course, we used the notation [imath]a_0,a_1,a_2,a_3,\dots[/imath] - the advantage being, that for periodic continued fractions, we could simply represent it as: [imath]a_0, a_1, a_2, \overline{a_3, a_4, a_5}[/imath].
  25. Dave


    Let's just all agree to disagree on this one. I don't think there's a need for anyone to apologise, but I know this particular topic is a sore point amongst many computer users. Thread closed.
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