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Everything posted by Dave

  1. GIFs are the most evil image format that the world has ever seen I might convert the images over to jpegs if I have the time, but I can see we're going to save perhaps 3-4k. Considering most of the images are cached by the browsers, I doubt this will reduce the bandwidth hugely. The reason the images are aligned as they are is to make my life easier when it comes to putting it together. When I have a nice fat block of time, I may sit down and try and rectify everything. Even with all the extra space in the images, the images are only 42kb in size. That's not an awful lot, and PNGs are by far the superior of the image types when it comes to a web-based comparison.
  2. Hmm, looks like the server change didn't solve that problem then. I'll look into it; this has been plaguing us for a while and I'm not entire sure of the cause.
  3. Gah, don't even talk to me about ati-drivers. I've been wanting to play around with composite for a long, long time but because the ATI drivers suck so much I've just gone to xorg's default radeon driver. It looks rather pretty now, but I'd like to have DRI and soforth Just realised I've taken this thread rather off-topic as well.
  4. As for the other question; it simply means that one particle will gain 1.0uC of charge, and the other will lose 1.0uC charge. I think that you're going to have to set up some simultaneous equations, but they're rather simple to solve.
  5. I think he was suggesting that the trend in buying consumer electronics "shows" that Iraq is becoming more self-sufficient, hence not needing US support anymore. I don't think he was being particularly serious though
  6. You need to obtain or write a license and have it accompany the files. If you're distributing code, then comments such as "This code is protected under the license included with these files" at the top don't go amiss either.
  7. Yes, portage is indeed "the roxor". It's just a bit of a pain when it decides to play up
  8. Trigonometry has obvious applications in Engineering and the physical sciences in general - very useful for a variety of different things. Number theory also has some obvious uses - cryptography being one. However, I'm quite struggling to come up with some non-obvious uses. I'll get back to you on that one
  9. Indeed. It basically sets out the terms of use for the program. For example, if you were to release a load of code and just put it on the net with no copyright information and, more importantly, no license, then people are free to do whatever they want with it. I believe that they could sell the code off to other people and make money off of it. Licenses are just a way of protecting your programs from being misused.
  10. Gentoo is the way to go if you've had some experience with Linux but would like a little more hands-on experience with some of the finer points. I run it on a number of boxen, and at least on the lower-spec machines it gives a fairly considerable speed improvement. I can whole-heartedly recommend it (as I have done on several other occasions ).
  11. Moved to Homework Help.
  12. physicsforum, if you joined for the sole purpose of putting SFN down - which I suspect you probably have - then leave now. You're not doing yourself or PF any favours at all. That being said, I don't really see the point in this thread. Obviously PF have a much larger userbase to draw from, so we're blatently not going to win any kind of 'race' (assuming you can call it that). I really can't see the point of encouraging some sort of rivalry between the two forums, to be honest.
  13. A good example is this thread; it's been moved to General Discussions since this is a much better place for it than mathematics.
  14. You can make your own, or you can use one of the existing ones (for example, the GNU Public License). Depends on what type of license you want, and what things you want to put in it.
  15. It basically interprets it as showthread.php? - i.e. no query string at all.
  16. Defining f as a function of two variables is fine, as you can see from the 3D plot. It's just when you attempt to solve for either of the variables that you have problems. It should be fairly obvious by looking at the plot that you can't re-arrange for x or y, though. But yes, there looks to be a similarity (of sorts) between the gamma function over negative reals and the singularities you can see in the lower right and upper left quadrants. However, the gamma function has singularities at negative integers, and this doesn't seem to follow the same trend.
  17. On apache at least, there's a great big long file associating different file extensions with their appropriate mime-types. Nothing is really contained in the file itself to identify what it is in an easy fashion. Why place such importance on such a trivial issue? As I've stated before, there's nothing particularly complex or interesting with mime-types. They're just another little thing to make programmer's lives easier, really.
  18. Why shouldn't he use Longhorn? The compositor in Longhorn should improve screen rendering times, since your graphics card is mainly unused unless you're bashing it out on HL2 or some other game. Even with this, I very much doubt that there'll be no option to turn off the graphics which require a fair amount of oomph to process, so there's no worries there. In fact, once you've done that it'll be pretty much like running XP, since as far as I'm aware, that's about all we're going to get anyway.
  19. Dave

    New name

    I think it's rather appropriate, personally.
  20. Convert it to a JPEG. It'll take up much less room and you'll be able to post it as an attachment.
  21. There's a rather useful link at Wikipedia which should answer most of your questions on 360.
  22. Because it makes sure that the client knows what it's supposed to be receiving. Often the mime-type is worked out by looking at the extension of the file, but some files vary from server to server (for instance, Gentoo's server sends out .xml files as regular HTML instead of XML).
  23. They're not that important, and I'm pretty sure that quite a lot of computing books will talk about them in an offhand manner. Mime-types are just a useful tool for identifying different types of files, nothing more.
  24. Let me point this out right now: I'm not going to tolerate people making sweeping generalisations here. That's not what this forum is all about, and I'll be damned if it continues on here. If you want to continue to do so, then go elsewhere. I've just about had enough of threads being ruined on this forum.
  25. I'm not familiar with the BitTorrent protocol, so I don't really want to comment on that. GET isn't a UNIX command, it just indicates that the client wants to get a particular file.
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