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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Say what now? That post didn't make any sense whatsoever. He was simply pointing out that Johnny5 hadn't actually stated what his question was properly.
  2. Dave

    Warning System

    What's the link? I'm not sure whether the table I see is different to the table everyone else sees.
  3. Those sorts of games don't come along very often. The games on that particular site appear mainly because of the server aspect. Stuff like UT, Doom3 etc have a pretty dominant multi-player aspect, and as such most of the game gets ported for the servers and hence you get a client version as well. The reason: Linux isn't very gaming-oriented. Performance (compared to Windows counterparts) is mediocre at best. Perhaps in the future, gaming developers will realise how far Linux has come - however, they won't care until Linux becomes more of a dominant desktop market.
  4. Yeah, I believe that the last vestiges of sanity escaped me a long time ago. Never mind
  5. I have to say that I still can't stand rpms, even after all this time. The shining feature of gentoo is portage, and it works extortionately well - it's like nothing I've ever used before, really. And as an added bonus, extremely simple to create and maintain even complex ebuilds. Definately my distro of choice, at least for the time being.
  6. Hmm. That sounds particularly nasty. Maybe as an added bonus, try running a virus scan (full drive)? Or indeed, scan everything to death with a big pitchfork after you've updated everything to the latest version. Something should come up.
  7. Firewalls don't do this, proxies do Firewalls are used for blocking packets at the TCP/IP level, proxies are more high-end. HTTP is the underlying protocol for the web. Your proxy acts like a HTTP server and client simultaneously, and looks at the stuff it receives from the remote server passing it onto you if it thinks the content is okay. There's nothing in the HTTP protocol that has much to do with content filtering a la web proxy.
  8. What I would hope that the TV companies start to do is to use things like p2p to facilitate the release of their programmes. Bittorrent is a really good technology for getting large amounts of data out to people efficiently. It's already going on all over the place; all they need do is offer some kind of legal aspect to it, and they'll bag themselves a whole lot of money.
  9. Yes they do - the http kind, anyway. In fact, that's what they're used for quite a lot of the time. Say that, for some retarded reason, I don't want to allow any users on my network to access the web without going through a proxy. This is fairly simple to accomplish with the proper router settings. Additionally, the proxy may scan the web pages that pass through it for words that it doesn't like or block the particular URL in question. This is a common approach for many businesses who don't want their employees surfing the web for miscellaneous things whilst they're working.
  10. I have to agree with matt on this one, although to be fair, it tends to be up to the author's preference. A lot of the more recent texts have started to adopt ln instead of log - personally, I prefer the latter because logs in an arbitrary base aren't as useful as the natural log and don't get used quite as frequently.
  11. That reminds me - your ISP might also provide some kind of hosting option, also.
  12. It's come a long way in the past few years. It's not really near XP, but it's certainly getting there. A lot of the holdups have been due to XFree being an utter behemoth and implementing next to no changes, but now xorg has come along, things are speeding up rather quickly. I just can't wait until we start seeing things like composite come out mainstream
  13. I've turned my challenges off. Bahahaha. If it makes you feel any better, I suck at every other game on there
  14. Also, the reason 6000 took about 2300 seconds is because you're not restricted to 1 game every session; I played about 20 times in that one, and 6000 was the highest I got.
  15. Actually, it was 397 seconds = 6 minutes 37 seconds. It's quite possible in this time - I should know, I did it
  16. I am teh l33t h4x0r. Anyway, yeah. I don't hack - I just spend far too much time playing it.
  17. Run something like AdAware or Spybot: Search & Destroy. They're a couple of pretty good apps for removing adware and annoying popups.
  18. Dave

    Pop ups

    I wouldn't call Messenger a spyware. It's just a useless piece of rubbish that MS (for some reason) enables by default on 2000/XP installs.
  19. Cedega supports a handful of the latest games to please the users. They've got the popular ones in there though (HL2, CS, etc).
  20. It doesn't take that long unless you want to install from stage1. Most people tend to go from stage3, and then rebuild the system when they have time. It's a lot more convenient that way.
  21. Dave


    I think possibly the worst instance of this happened very recently. A bill to increase expenditure for those killed/injured in the armed forces was passed about a week ago. Tagged onto it is the so-called "Real ID Act" which gives the Department of Homeland Security the power to do practically whatever they want in terms of tracking people and amassing a large quantity of data on people. For instance, they might want to introduce ID cards a la Blair. However, they can just do it on a whim and decide themselves exactly what they want to store. And, of course, nobody is going to oppose the bill its tacked onto because if they did, it would show them in a not-very-good light. And all in the name of the "war on terror". Does anyone else feel this phrase is being overused? You can find more details at: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/05/11/real_id_makes_terrorists_happy/
  22. I'd toyed with the idea of installing ubuntu, but decided that I love gentoo too much (For those who aren't in the know, ubuntu is a derivative of gentoo but instead of building everything from source, ubuntu uses binary packages. I find the extra flexibility of gentoo to be quite nice.)
  23. Yes, Wine isn't particularly efficient, but then again, it was never designed for gaming originally. However I believe an offshoot (called WineX) evolved into Cedega.
  24. If you're prepared to pay a (small) subscription to Cedega, then yes. Although, you have to realise that it's not going to be very fast, but it'll be playable. I've heard good things, but I'm not prepared to pay the subscription so I dual boot
  25. Dave

    Pop ups

    You might also want to try disabling the Messenger service; they can cause some popups, too (although they're purely text based).
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