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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Redhat has been outdated by Fedora Core. I think the latest version is Fedora Core 4, you can find it at: http://fedora.redhat.com/ My take on the subject is that OS X is pretty much beasting; I'm considering getting a PowerBook at some point, just for OS X
  2. Sure. They're called super-clusters, if I remember the correct terminology.
  3. Apache isn't that bad under Windows for fairly low traffic servers.
  4. Your first step is to get the model number see whether the card is actually supported under Linux - some wireless cards aren't. After this, you're going to need to get the drivers (if you need them) and then rebuild the kernel with the new drivers. Some cards are supported under open-source drivers, however, and might already be in the kernel. There's usually a guide on how to install these things under your distro of choice; have a look on the ubuntu forums, there's probably going to be something there.
  5. Seems okay, apart from ©. I don't think your second derivative is quite correct.
  6. Best of wishes Your many hours of spam removal and troll bashing have not got unnoticed Also, happy birthday to -Demosthenes- and I think atm's was yesterday as well. I'll have to break out the old whiskey and make a toast to you all
  7. You'll be lucky; I don't think I've seen one doing something like that for quite a while.
  8. Dave

    Sums of powers

    I distinctly remember posting something on this quite a while back, but it's definately here. You can use something called the method of telescoping sums to calculate these series. Unfortunately, LaTeX is down atm and I'd prefer to write about it when it's back up (saves a lot of hassle). When it's back up, I'll post some more.
  9. Pretty much every university has subscriptions to these sites. If you log in from the on-campus computers, then you're pretty likely to get access (they base it on IP addresses).
  10. Fresh start. Please don't get off-topic this time. Cheers.
  11. Good luck to you Couldn't work for the armed forces myself. Far too left wing
  12. I have the ebook on my computer; it's very technical and I can barely get my head around any of it. Makes for great reading though from a mathematical standpoint
  13. Not a problem. If you're wondering about something that's come from a thread, just create another one if it's not on the same track
  14. No, you're right. The Earth will almost certainly be swallowed up by the Sun when it expands. Jupiter outwards should survive, though.
  15. I split this from the Fermat thread because I don't want it going off-topic - this could easily be in a thread of its own Axioms are assumptions that we make - after all, we have to base our initial ideas on some things, and then we can build the rest up from that. In fact, the set of real numbers is an example of something called a field; you can find the axioms at: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FieldAxioms.html
  16. I don't. I'm assuming you don't know the history behind Wiles and his proof. If you do, you can skip this, but this is just for the record. Proving Fermat was Wiles' childhood dream. He left Cambridge after completing his PhD for Princetown in the US. After Frey's famous lecture (and Barry Mazur's further contributions), Wiles began to prove Taniyama-Shimura. He spent the next 7 years on the proof, which he presented at the Newton Insitute lectures. About 6 months after this in the referee process, the error was announced in the proof, which was consequently resolved (or so we thought). Now, imagine what Wiles must have felt at this stage. He had spent the past 7 years in practical solitary confinement proving a theorem that he had always envisioned solving and that had remained unsolved for 350 years. I think he's perfectly entitled to burst into tears at this point - in fact, I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd just walked out. Also, I would appreciate it if you do not try and sideline the thread by raising the recurring decimal problem. There are already multiple threads on this, and I don't want a good one being spoilt by such repetitive and silly arguments.
  17. Wasn't this the same guy that posted the erroneous counter-example whilst the proof was going through the verification process?
  18. I can only say that I hope it's a hoax (as it seems to be). I have to say though, my heart skipped a beat for a second - I feel that the proof of Fermat was probably one of the greatest achievements in the world of mathematics ever, and to have it shot out of the water would be a bit of a catastrophe, to say the least.
  19. This is what a low-level format does; it's also the reason why they take so long. Also called a zero-fill format, because it zero-fills the drive. If you really want to format a drive, you do multiple passes overwriting the data with randomized bits - I believe there's a free utility out there for windows called Eraser.
  20. You'll find out in time
  21. Dave

    Resident Expert

    Traditionally, a moderator is assigned to a particular forum or section. Super moderators can moderate all forums, and have some control over users (banning, editing signatures, etc).
  22. Indeed. blike.com isn't resolving for some reason, so it can't access the images.
  23. I've been a mod for a while. But yes, a lot of things have changed around here in the past couple of months. We're trying to attract new users and expand, plus add new features for our current users.
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