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Everything posted by Dave

  1. No, it really isn't
  2. It should be pointed out that you don't really need to if windows sees the drive and all is well with it.
  3. When you say that he was playing online, were people connecting to him or was he just connected to a client? If it was the former then I don't know. If the latter then port forwarding doesn't come into the equation.
  4. Yeah, it'll work fine.
  5. Re: chain rule (on IRC): Chain rule basically says [math]\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{dy}{du} \frac{du}{dx}[/math]. So lets suppose you've got the function [math]e^{x^2}[/math]. The first step is to let [math]u = x^2[/math]. Then we have that [math]y = e^u[/math]. Hence: [math]\frac{dy}{du} = e^u[/math] [math]\frac{du}{dx} = 2x[/math] So [math]\frac{dy}{dx} = 2x e^u = 2x e^{x^2}[/math].
  6. Yeah... great. But seriously, how many people are following this? If it's just the above then I'm not going to bother writing any more.
  7. Oh, you wanted the orthogonality relations? I could've told you those
  8. Moving this to computer science...
  9. Yes, it's mapping from the interval to the reals. I'm certain that it's from n=1 -> infinity, although there is a version that uses -infinity -> infinity (this uses complex exponentials, same difference). I haven't derived this stuff, so I couldn't help you there
  10. You should give X-Chat a go. Removes a hell of a lot of clutter. I can't stand mIRC personally, drives me up the wall.
  11. You can do that as well, but it's less hassle when you want to update the game. Personally that's what I do because I can't be bothered storing the entire image on my harddrive.
  12. Basically, if you have some kind of periodic function then it can be represented as a sum of cosines and sines. There's certain restrictions on this, but basically if you have a [math](2\pi)[/math]-periodic function [math]f : [-\pi,\pi]\to \mathbb{R}[/math], then: [math]f(x) = \frac{a_0}{2} + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n \cos(nx) + b_n \sin(nx)[/math]
  13. Not a problem. Did you get the answers?
  14. Well, if there was one, there'd be a safe bet that it would never be claimed.
  15. PS: Alcohol 120% already has excellent virtual drive support.
  16. Dave

    SFN Stats

    Remember that browsers don't often tell the truth about the systems/etc that they're running. Also remember that a lot of hits are from spiders. So you can't rely too heavily on this information.
  17. No, you don't have to go that complex. You can rip an image of the CD and store it on the HD. When you want to play the game, you can mount the image onto a virtual cd drive.
  18. Each IDE bus has two channels, so you should quite easily be able to put 2 hard drives and a CD-ROM drive onto two IDE buses. Pretty much every IDE cable you buy will have one connector at one end, and two at the other. You might need to change some jumpers (one device has to be a master device, the other a slave). My setup is pretty good; I have two CD-ROM drives running off of one bus and two hard drives running off of another, plus another two hard drives running off of a Serial ATA bus
  19. You might want to have a look at Alcohol 120% (since some/most of the games have CD copy protection).
  20. Happens here too, but the chicken I buy is proper stuff. I guess it's like YT says; there tends to be a lot of water in it anyway
  21. It's not hard to get something like X-Chat working nicely with multiple servers.
  22. Ack! For my perspective on seperating dx's and all of that, have a look at the "dt ramblings" thread in the Calculus forum But yeah, that's just guesstimation really. Well, the binomial formula is this: [math](1+x)^n = 1 + nx + \frac{n(n-1)}{2!}x^2 + \frac{n(n-1)(n-2)}{3!} x^3 \cdots[/math] I'm pretty sure you know that formula
  23. You can put it in front of a geiger counter and watch it click away like a mad cricket. Apart from that, I can't think of many "fun" uses of it. Just remember that it did kill Marie Curie, although she did carry it around with her all the time.
  24. I think, in retrospect, putting the "YT2095" option turned this poll into somewhat of a farce.
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