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Everything posted by Dave

  1. In regards to Laplace/Fourier transforms, I tend to just use FT(.) or LT(.). You can do these nicely by using \text{FT}.
  2. The only one I vaguely remember seeing is here. That is: [math]\text{LT}(t^p) = \frac{\Gamma(p+1)}{s^{p+1}}[/math]. To be perfectly honest with you, I've not used it much myself. I was planning to do an essay on the topic, but I couldn't find enough interesting material at the right kind of level to include.
  3. Dave

    C++ Files

    I knew I shouldn't have tried to be lazy and not test the code Try this instead: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n = 10; char temp[20]; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { ofstream fileout; sprintf(temp, "%d.txt", i); fileout.open(temp); fileout.close(); } return 0; } Works for me.
  4. Pick two points on the circle fairly close to each other. Draw a line between the two to form a chord. If you can draw a perpendicular line through the centre of your chord, then you know that this line will pass through the centre of the circle. Then you do this again to get the centre. (That's my interpretation anyway).
  5. Almost certainly not.
  6. Someone has far too much time on their hands
  7. I'm not a fan either; google is straying into fairly unknown territory with this. I don't think it's a particularly good idea, and I'm just wondering whether it'll catch on or not.
  8. The phrase "x is inversely proportional to y" has always conjured the expression that I gave above (at least to me). This would imply the graph looks something like y = 1/x, but clearly it doesn't.
  9. When we say two variables are inversely related, we usually mean something along the lines of: [math]x \propto \frac{1}{y}[/math] What you've drawn there is clearly linear; I don't think that either of the two words really describe it. I've never really heard of something being an indirect relationship either.
  10. We do tend to get a few people just coming and blatently advertising around here, so we're rather cautious with advertising-esque first posts
  11. Dave

    C++ Files

    Modified the code above a bit: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> //i'm using stdlib c++ strings because i'm lazy using namespace std; int main() { int n = 10; string temp; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { ofstream fileout; temp = i + ".txt"; fileout.open(temp.c_str()); fileout.close(); } return 0; }
  12. There's a problem with the server. blike should have it fixed either today or tomorrow.
  13. Well, for a start, you're taking the logarithm of an imaginary number, which is a dodgy proposition at best.
  14. I'm liking the lack of punctuation, personally.
  15. Dave

    Holy Sh*t!

    It's all very well for there to be a "revolution" of sorts, if you know how it should be replaced. To me, there's not a lot of other options available; we have to trust the media to a certain extent to give us the correct information whenever it's available. Unfortunately (as this article states) we can't always do that. It does, however, help that these media agencies are all interested in one thing: money. Maybe by boycotting certain media outlets, you might get their attention (the major problem being that this is more or less impossible). The other possible thing is to have an independent body that can hand out big fines/loss of television rights if it arises that these media corporations are not doing things which are entirely ethical (although I think something like this already exists). Just my $0.02
  16. Just looks like a blatent google ripoff to me. I certainly shan't be using it.
  17. Yes, it would; but it's a little confusing for people who are just coming to grips with compound interest (without meaning to be condescending) as coquina rightly says. For the curious who haven't really touched calculus all that much, the equation is derived from a differential equation; i.e. looking at the rate of change of something like a bank balance or other things like a heated object over time. I think that's the best way I can think of to phrase it.
  18. Rightho then, I've got another server up and ready: irc://cube.xyloid.org/ I'm in #sfn atm; if you want to join, come on in
  19. Not a problem. I'm trying to get the server up and running as we speak.
  20. Dave

    Holy Sh*t!

    Yes, I've found myself tending towards that recently. I have to say that I find the article rather unsurprising, but it is still very worrying.
  21. My thoughts would be to first use the triangle inequality to split up the sum and the 1. Beyond that, I haven't really had many ideas.
  22. Funnily enough, economics hasn't really been a strongpoint on SFN. I've hardly seen any topics on it at all (apart from in some of the Politics debates). Like I've said a lot of times on here, we don't usually create new forums because there often isn't demand for them at all; in fact a couple of months ago, we went through and merged an awful lot of them together. I would suspect that an individual economics forum probably wouldn't warrant a lot of attention.
  23. Update The main server at blackcobalt was taken offline a couple of days ago because it was quite badly compromised (this was mainly because RH9 got pulled from redhat's update list, and we don't have the capability to upgrade the OS, it's a dedicated server). So as of about an hour ago, the server software is being re-installed and our data being transferred over. I quite honestly don't know how long this is going to take. In the meantime, I'm probably going to set up another server on another computer so that we can at least connect to something. Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that until sometime later today, possibly in the next hour or so. I'll let you all know when something is back up again. Apologies for the lack of IRC in the meantime (plus, when it does come back up, I hope that more people are going to be on there!)
  24. Dave


    I have to say that I definately agree with Cadmus on this. C++ offers a lot of advantages over C (especially when it comes to things like the standard C++ library). Just the OO parts offer a hell of a lot more scope for developing complex programming, and a lot of programs lend themselves quite nicely to an OO approach.
  25. You can burn pretty much anything onto DVD as long as you have the proper codecs for it. Most of the DVD authoring software will automatically transcode the video into MPEG2 for you anyway. Also, your camera probably gives you MPEG1 instead of MPEG2, so you'd have to do this anyway. FreeDV is a bit of a beast, but you can run it on 512mb quite easily as long as you don't start doing anything *too* drastic. Try it and see what you think.
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