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Everything posted by Dave

  1. music - try xmms, rhythmbox for a start typing - try openoffice drawing - gimp is rather good Nobody's saying it's possible to do everything under X, but there's rather a lot of apps out there. I finished my install of gentoo last night, and I have quite a lot of nice apps running under xfce4 (which is rather nice). The difference between X and "X windows" is that X is the right way of saying it and "X windows" is wrong. That's the only real way of explaining it It's called the X server after all, not the "X Windows" server.
  2. You're also going to need a significantly larger hdd. They're going for quite a reasonable price atm.
  3. Why not take U as something you know is not open and then take f as the identity map? (this came right off the top of my head, don't know whether it's right or not).
  4. Same difference
  5. If you want a gui, you don't really have a lot of choice
  6. I'm quite surprised nobody mentioned this, but with topics like math and physics, by far the best way of revising for an exam is to do the past papers you get given; or do some exercises out of a book, or something. It's all very well and good remembering the stuff you've been given, but if you do not know how to apply it in an exam situation, then you're likely to screw up a bit.
  7. Because dll stands for "dynamic link libraries" (or thereabouts).
  8. First off: FreeBSD is not supposed to be user-friendly. It's supposed to be rock solid stable and a good server platform. About your questions: for UNIX apps which require XFree, you can download a Mac OS X compatible version from apple. There's also a bunch of scripts and utilities which you can use to build packages of common UNIX software (but don't know any links unfortunately).
  9. Look up ".htaccess" on google. There's loads of links on it.
  10. The transistors are extremely small, and put in layers in the CPU. You might need something like a magnifying glass to see them. Or you could be cutting the wrong bits, I don't know.
  11. I was going to suggest it but it seems like overkill just for a simple password protected page.
  12. There's no way to make client-side authentication secure at all. If you want some simple server-side password protection, just use http authentication.
  13. Linux is made up of bits of programs; when you download a distribution of Linux, you don't download just one program. You download a plethora of librarys, applications, etc that when collected together make a Linux system. There are things like kernel modules for graphics drivers which are not open source, but you can still use them on the system. However, the majority of the software available for Linux is open source based.
  14. I'm presuming you mean partials instead of d's above, otherwise that wouldn't make much sense Other than that, it's not a very easy equation to solve. It might be possible (I've not done PDEs for a while), but it looks good because the left and right hand sides are independent of each other, so I think you can set the left hand side = right hand side = constant. As I said, I've not done this for a while though and I could be hugely wrong. Also, that doesn't seem to help very much with the RHS, because that's non-linear. woohoo. My 2 cents worth.
  15. That's how I did it in the Linear Algebra course. Basically: u_1 = a_{11} e_1 + a_{21} e_2 + a_{31} e_3 u_2 = a_{12} e_1 + a_{22} e_2 + a_{32} e_3 u_3 = a_{13} e_1 + a_{23} e_2 + a_{33} e_3 and then your change of basis matrix is (a_{ij}). I think. It's been a while since I've done this
  16. No exams for me this Jan; just absolutely craploads of work: woohoo! *cries* What's wrong with the exams?
  17. Indeed. I haven't heard anything from blike about it, so I don't really know what's going on
  18. As I said before, it doesn't make much sense. I've read it a bit more thoroughly, and it still doesn't make any sense at all. I think there's a bit of a consensus on that.
  19. Indeed it should be.
  20. I don't usually comment on such things (because I end up making myself look a fool), but I think it would be a little unfair for a company to turn away someone they think would be a good candidate because they already have x number of white males.
  21. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I only skim-read it.
  22. What could possibly make you think that black holes don't exist when we have evidence that they actually do? (I'm presuming that's what you meant by your previous post, because it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me).
  23. I think you're correct there, but you need to split up that gigantic sentence a bit
  24. I think you may need to think a little more about this, because it doesn't really seem to make sense.
  25. I'm not a big fan of Works because they seem to have removed too many features from it. Personally I use MS Office 2003, but I've heard good things about OpenOffice so you might want to give that a shot. Its just a matter of personal preference really. Try them, and then just use the one that you're most comfortable with.
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