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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I believe there is an option to do a low-level format if you don't tick the "quick format" option in the format panel.
  2. I don't think it's going to be making an appearance soon, but I daresay it may come back eventually.
  3. No problem, just try and bear it in mind.
  4. => constant velocity (which may or may not be 0).
  5. Dave

    Homosexual Gene?

    I'm still not convinced tbh, and I don't really want to drag this entire thread into the world of politics and whatnot, so I will depart at this point. I think you need a "not" in there somewhere
  6. It doesn't quite work like that. Radar and all that have a limited range because of the way waves propogate - also depends on the power of the transmitter etc.
  7. Dave

    Free ipod?

    http://www.apple.com/macmini/ should give you the details you require. In regards to the iPod shuffle, if you don't have a display on it, then how are you going to know what order the songs come in? A lot of people just want to shove a load of tracks on there that they want to listen to that day; they don't necessarily care which order they're played in. Apple's playing a good business game. I would not be surprised to see their PC market share increase in the next couple of years because of the iPod and the new consumer-level stuff they're bringing in.
  8. It's becoming more of a social trend these days rather than something that only gay people do. As Sayo said, one doesn't necessarily imply the other.
  9. For the first part, it's pretty easy. Just find A and v s.t. (1,1) -> (0,0), (2,-1) -> (1,0) etc. Second part I haven't really thought about yet
  10. Transatlantic flights would benefit considerably. A lot of business people tend to use that route, and there's only a certain number of planes that can carry the fuel required for such a long trip. Likewise, Europe <-> Australia, etc.
  11. Mac IE was the biggest pile of poo ever invented. Even under OS X it managed to somehow occupy all system resources when loading a webpage.
  12. No problem (Although I'm sure it clarified what a low/high level format actually is now.)
  13. Dave

    Homosexual Gene?

    I'm not a geneticist by any stretch of the imagination, but isn't a genetic disease more things like Down's Syndrome and the like? On the risk of straying off-topic (and making myself looking like a complete fool), I certainly don't think that having homosexual tendencies can possibly be classed in the same category as such serious diseases as these.
  14. Dunno, but it just wouldn't be right not calling the 747 the jumbo.
  15. Really. I find mostly that people just refer to it in a general sense; for the most part a lot of people don't know what the difference actually is. At least that's how I interpret it.
  16. I don't think Opera has anything to do with google, but I could be vastly wrong there
  17. I would think he is doing a low-level format of the drive, which takes a while (since every byte on the drive has to be overwritten). A high-level format only destroys the partition table and wouldn't take as long.
  18. Dave

    Free ipod?

    I can see the Mac Mini appealing to a hell of a lot of people; its cheap, doesn't cost very much in comparison to a lot of other PCs and takes up next to no desk space with a tft and wireless keyboard/mouse. On top of that, it looks extortionately cool.
  19. I suspect you're right. However, managing the plane with avionics is a completely different thing to actually flying it manually. Looks like a nice plane though.
  20. Lovely place for a holiday. Its a shame that we only seemed to get 300 images instead of the 700 or so that they were expecting, but I suppose its better than nothing. They've issued an inquiry into how it managed to fail, and I suspect the cause will be human error. After all, we're not infallible
  21. I've read the test flights will be around March/April time from the BBC News link. That aeroplane has gotta be one evil git to fly.
  22. Maybe they can use some kind of spectrographic analysis? I'm only guessing here, obviously
  23. Dave

    Free ipod?

    I don't see the point; the chances are you'll never get one. Just save up and buy one.
  24. My favourite atm is: "Fluids are a lot easier to drink than they are to understand". -- Euler (I think)
  25. When 2.2 comes out it should make your life a bit easier. Although at the current development rate, that'll take about another 97,000 years.
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