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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Try not to gloat too much over things like that. What may seem quite trivial to you can be very advanced to someone else. I daresay you'd probably find some of the metric spaces work I'm doing at the moment a bit "advanced"
  2. I've always been of the mind that string theory really isn't going to go anywhere. It seems to be very esoteric in nature and really (from reading some of the links) just looks like its stagnating.
  3. Our brain can only keep up with a certain amount of information from our eyes at a time. Its a limitation in our biology
  4. Think the same as more or less everyone here. Completely overblown beyond proportion (although it was rather a stupid thing for someone in the public eye to do).
  5. I'm pretty sure you can buy little IC chips that have a mono input for a mic amd output for a stereo. Haven't found any yet though.
  6. That post just screams "omg i installed linux therefore i am a leethaxor". DDoS'ing "would greatly help" what exactly?
  7. That's what I though. However, I was rather drunk when I posted that so I guess I could've been wrong
  8. Error functions usually aren't good in results; usually it means that the function you're trying to integrate won't give a definite answer.
  9. Ah, good old win 98
  10. Dave


    I must apologise for my absence of late - lots of work to do
  11. Happens every time blike updates the forum software - the latex code always ends up getting shunted
  12. I would very much encourage anyone who truly believes the Bible codes are remotely real to read this.
  13. UCL's a pretty damn good university for maths. My maths tutor (a very clever man indeed) got his degree from there.
  14. Just for the record, the newer P4s will downclock themselves when they sense they're getting too hot. If you look on Tom's Hardware Guide you can download a video of what happens when they take the heatsinks off of various processors.
  15. I saw on the announcements that blike's upgraded some stuff. He probably forgot to put the latex code back in.
  16. I know for a fact that XP Home doesn't do the advanced file sharing that XP Pro does. I don't *think* Home supports things like the P4 hyperthreading. Apart from that, that's about it really.
  17. Indeed.
  18. I think he meant intervals instead of integrals, but I could be wrong.
  19. Dave


    Damn, you got here before I could :|
  20. Basically, they're lying through their teeth. They try and make it out that they're losing obsessive amounts of money because of piracy, when by all accounts things like CD sales are actually increasing.
  21. Looks who's talking btw, descent = pwnage
  22. That sounds like a hardware problem. When you turned it off at the wall, it probably struck one of the components in there as quite a surprise, so something's borked (seriously). But as Jakiri said, you need to check your mobo manual for the sound code.
  23. Don't you ever learn, lama? What on earth could possibly posess you to write even more of this stuff when it has been completely ridiculed by everyone on here?
  24. As I've seen said on quite a few blogs from various people now, this isn't really going to change anything. When Napster came along, it was a revolution - easy file sharing. Then the RIAA comes along and shuts it down. What happens? A bunch of programmers that don't particularly like this come along and code bittorrent, gnutella, and a bunch of other de-centralized protocols. It just so happens that bt is quite easy to take down because you have to store the torrents in a central location. It won't be long before another bunch of programmers come up with something equally as exciting - as eXeem promises to be - and then the RIAA/MPAA are going to find it pretty tough going to stop these things. The problem with the RIAA and MPAA is that they're just too greedy. They're used to sitting there and selling CDs/DVDs/etc at vastly overcharged prices and basting in their obese profit margins, thank you very much. When something comes along that threatens to change the way they do business, they'd rather fight it than adapt and maybe even use p2p to their advantage. The entire thing reminds me of a kid whose parents are trying to take him to get his hair cut; he doesn't want to go, so he just fights all the way. However, when he gets there, he finds it isn't so bad after all. I really hope the RIAA/MPAA finds it ain't so bad.
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