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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    You don't have to use iTunes if you don't want to. I know of at least one piece of software (called Ephpod - free, coincidentally) that you can use to transfer files to and from your iPod. Personally, I think iTunes is the best mp3 player on the market, but each to their own I suppose.
  2. Dave


    Look closer; there's a 60GB version available now, albeit quite expensive. You might want to look at the iPod photo they've just released; stores your digital photos as well as your music.
  3. As far as I'm aware, a word has always been 8 bits long. "32-bit" basically means that it can address RAM using 32-bits; i.e. the maximum amount of RAM you can address is with all 32 bits filled with 1's.
  4. OS does mean operating system. You can find the version by right-clicking on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop and selecting "Properties". On another note, I used to get those messages all the time from various things under Windows 2000. If you can't get rid of it by the usual methods (virus scan, defrag, disk check, etc) then I suggest backing your stuff up and re-formatting.
  5. I'm afraid CS found me That, and writing this bloody maths essay.
  6. Remember that you need to get your notation right. [math] y = mx^n + b[/math] implies that [math]\tfrac{dy}{dx} = mnx^{n-1}[/math], but it certainly does not imply that [math]y = mnx^{n-1}[/math].
  7. The expression for the limit does simplify: first simplify the expression for f(x+h,y) - f(x,y) by making it into a single fraction, then after that you should find that all the terms on the top of the fraction that do not have a h in them will cancel, and then the other h's will cancel with the one on the bottom.
  8. Dave


    Like I must have said about 100 times by now, until you come along with something that's actually mathematics, don't post in the mathematics forums. zeroatx's post quite frankly makes a mockery of your work.
  9. At the moment I'm loving te Weierstrass M-test: Let [math]f : A \to \mathbb{R}[/math] with [math]A \subset \mathbb{R}[/math]. Suppose there exist [math]M_n[/math] with [math]|f(n)| \leq M_n[/math] with [math]\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} M_n[/math] convergent. Then we have that [math]\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} f(n)[/math] converges uniformly on A. Absolutely great
  10. JavaScript is used more nowadays in things like menus and the like. Used properly, it can add a lot of value to the site. Used badly, it makes everything look very bad.
  11. Yeah, there is that too. Uni's been fun though. The freedom is the thing I like the most; the lack of it was pretty bad at school.
  12. Dave

    Fractal art

    Fractals are pretty beautiful things. If you have a hunt around here, I coded a mandelbrot set generator somewhere, but beware: it's not very user friendly and there's quite a few bugs in it On the upside, it's free, and will generate huge images if you ask it to. I will get around to updating it one of these days.
  13. Hurrah! I'm a trombone player myself, been playing for 10-ish years (which suddenly strikes me as quite a long time) Also play piano.
  14. I shall give it some more thought. Typically the math based ones usually have stuff to do with probability though (which is a bit boring ).
  15. I'm trying to think of something involving some kind of maths, but I'm failing horribly
  16. Bleh, I don't have that many reasons. Probably my number one reason was because it just sucked generally
  17. Dave

    boring day

    I know the feeling.
  18. Can't honestly remember; just googled for one.
  19. Yeah, there's a load of threads on this all over the place. Will find some linkage in a bit if i can be bothered.
  20. Dave

    x not= x

    I'd rather have "matt grime 1 - doron shadmi {}"
  21. It just seems to go on and on and on and it never stops. I got fed up with it and got a trainer so I could do 500mph down the freeway. That put a little more interest into it.
  22. I don't think an outright ban is just a bad thing (as said above). However, I would love to see a ban in public places. I hate my clothes being covered in tobacco fumes when I come back from a night out.
  23. Dave

    The Situation

    No, it's definately not right that they should be doing this. So much for tuition fees, eh?
  24. Dave


    If you're looking for maths definitions, check out MathWorld, although it is a bit technical. Things like WikiPedia are also pretty good.
  25. rofl I just go take my own desktop pictures - tis a lot easier.
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