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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave

    SFN Chat problem

    Chatzilla's quite nice. I recommend X-Chat for windoze, I can't stand much else.
  2. Dave


    A mathsy one: TFAE = "the following are equivalent" Don't know how widely used that is though.
  3. The most confusing posts I've seen recently are Doron's in the Math forums about a different axiomatic approach. I don't really get a lot of that - I don't think many people do tbh
  4. Damn shame. But yeah, sounds like a good idea. Just all come here and then I can be lazy
  5. The other way to look at it to "guess" which function differentiates to give the function you're integrating. i.e. guess [math]\tfrac{1}{a} e^{ax}[/math]. Then if you differentiate this, you get your integral, so that's your answer.
  6. My calculator has a symbol for infinity; it's a TI-89. It only has it because of the symbolic integration/differentiation etc.
  7. I don't think I've used a calculator to work out areas of things approximately for quite some time now. Leaving it in terms of pi is a lot better.
  8. Topology is a little (read: lot) more complex than computing and networking. It takes the ideas in geometry and extrapolates them to looking at more complex systems, basically. I don't know a lot more than that myself tbh.
  9. The "internet" is a collection of a lot of computer connected together. The word ISP (Internet Service Provider) just means that you get another connection to access other computers. You'll always have to go to a provider of some kind unless you intend to become a rather large node in the network, which is both expensive and rather unnecessary.
  10. From my experience, Computer Science is purely using electronics to accomplish certain goals. Computer Engineering is more geared towards actually understanding how all of the electronics works, and how to create different electronic circuit boards and whatnot.
  11. It's already pretty slow as it is, some of these pages can be pretty damn big, even with gzip compression.
  12. Doubt it tbh, for the reason you gave. That, and we'd have to give something lame like a pencil or a toaster or something.
  13. I believe it's a term for things like math puzzles, etc. Game theory was invented by von Newmann, wasn't it? Models wars and stuff from what I can remember.
  14. Those diagrams make my head hurt. Did anyone answer this yet?
  15. Pretty much the same here.
  16. I read the first line of that thing and scanned the rest Cheers, Sayo.
  17. I believe my first post was this, about some differential equation or other. That was about a year ago. As for threads, no idea tbh.
  18. Dave

    SFN chat

    We're currently using a pre-built applet, so not really. On top of that, I don't know a method of making a browser button flash like Messenger - although there's probably some JavaScript trickery somewhere to make it work.
  19. Any particular reason?
  20. Bonus. It's going to be a bit of a sour note to end on: all the Jedi die. woot. I want an episode 7
  21. I don't like using codec packs because they simply cause so many problems when you come to update them or if you have existing codecs installed on your system. I maintain my codecs manually because it's so much easier to keep up-to-date. Currently, I have installed: XviD 1.0.2, DivX5 (not sure which revision), AC3Filter (for ac3 audio decoding), OggVorbis and that's about it. I don't really need anything else because I tend not to play obscure formats that much. More or less everything I have is either DivX/XviD with either mp3 or AC3 audio or MPEG1.
  22. Personally, I despise ASP for server-side programming because it's so crap. PHP is a much better choice for server-side content - it's supported by most server hosting companies as well, which is a bonus. Have a look into it - it's simple, easy to use and above all easy to get going with.
  23. You might also want to consider the fact that it may be a hardware problem. I'd do the usual: check your RAM, look inside the computer, make sure it's not getting too hot, etc. If at all possible, back up your data or make an image of the hdd onto another computer, reformat and start again. Chances are that if you're still having these problems after a fresh install, it's a hardware problem and you need to get it looked at professionaly, or, worst case scenario, replaced.
  24. Hmm. Firstly you'd need to use partition magic to create a small (i.e 100mb) partition for Linux - you can't re-partition without losing data unless you use something like Partition Magic to re-organise the data - and then you'd be able to run a Linux distro. However, you'd be fairly limited to what you can do. Just fork out £30 or so and buy a small hdd to shove linux (or win98) on. Makes life a lot simpler.
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