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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Best bet is google.
  2. Dave


    Highly recommended from me - better than AdAware imo.
  3. I like the TDK ones, but if you're looking for good cheap ones, go for the Infiniti ones from eBuyer. £15/50 cake tub - can't be bad
  4. The graph is discontinous at 0. If you look at the graph as it approaches the 0 from the left, you can see it shoots off to positive infinity. From the right, it goes down towards negative infinity, and so in effect the graph 'jumps' at 0. As for the other thing, I believe the definition of the asymptote has something to do with the bounding of the function over a particular domain, so it's impossible for graphs to cross them.
  5. I don't know: never heard of the "centre" of a graph before.
  6. I'm sure there's plenty of tickers out there that accept RSS feeds from sites you can find.
  7. That was rather funny. I liked the one about the sheet of plywood+radiation
  8. This may be of use.
  9. Good luck blike
  10. Hmm. I could be misinterpreting this, but it seems like a pretty trivial difference equation. Here's my reasoning: Say you've got some starting value a0. Then we have: [math]a_1 = e^{a_0}, a_2 = e^{e^{a_0}}, a_3 = e^{e^{e^{a_0}}}[/math] etc...
  11. Any number divided by zero will yield an undefined result. There's nothing "special" about this operation, it's just undefined.
  12. Dave


    Not another one?
  13. I'd multiply both sides by (ab) and show that both sides are then equal to the identity element (since all elements in a group must have inverses).
  14. Dave

    shape of "0"

    Fair enough, but I've seen [math]\phi[/math] used a lot, especially on my courses.
  15. What do you find difficult about them?
  16. What does that have to do with anything?
  17. On this topic, I have to say I've not had to use IE for a page in months. The support for designs of webpages used to be quite lousy not so long ago, but it's improved greatly.
  18. Dave

    First Admendment

    Personally, I'd rather not find out
  19. Because he's an arrogant, war-mongering idiot who's controlled by the corporations?
  20. As someone's already said on this issue, he can do whatever the hell he wants with his medals. Some of us (me included) think that the man had a point: I don't agree with the issues then either. The man tried to get a point across, and I think that's essential. In regard for the entire "glory" thing, I think he needs to get the point across that he's served his country well and this is the best way of doing it. He has to push everything out that he's got with this campaign because Bush is making such a big deal of the axis of evil rubbish.
  21. Dave

    shape of "0"

    I guess the reasoning is somewhat similar to why people use phi ([math]\phi[/math]) to designate the empty set.
  22. Dave


    There's no doubt about it, radians are a much more 'natural' way of measuring angles.
  23. I do believe the aforementioned thread lies in Applied Math somewhere.
  24. No problem
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