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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Because the game servers are quite simple, this often isn't true. More often than not, people don't bother to change the default passwords on the servers and/or are easily guessable.
  2. Erm, no. The firewall sits between the internet and your computer, which means that if it's properly configured to block incoming access, the messenger service won't even know there's incoming packets.
  3. Best bet is to junk the application settings (in the "Application Data" folder) or just try a couple reinstalls.
  4. I know that; what I was trying to say that the entire master/slave thing doesn't really matter a damn to the actual operation of the drives, it just affects the actual communication with the IDE bus. But as everyone's said here, the best option is to run each drive as master to start with so that you can rule out actual physical problems, then go on to setting the other drive up.
  5. Dave

    Ryder Cup

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/golf/leaderboard2/default.stm RESULT: USA 9½-18½ EUROPE. Bonus
  6. Dave

    Suggest a book!

    (just like to point out that there's heaps of these threads around, people might want to look at those first before suggesting new books).
  7. No problem
  8. Yeah, it's definately one of the best. Grab it off of Amazon
  9. Dave

    Tesla Coil

    Makes a cool thing to show to people, and you can say "heh, I built a tesla coil!" to people. Apart from that, I can't really see any other use.
  10. Dave

    Ion Engine

    Not really, the idea's been around for over 20 years. I do know there's an ion-powered probe on its way to the moon/has already gotten there. I think the Japanese launched it. Edit: noticed that this has already been mentioned in the link. I'll shut up now
  11. I'm pretty much certain that the intelligence that said this was pretty dodgy in terms of reliability. After all, we're not finding any now - in fact, we're finding the complete opposite. To be honest, if it was a mistake, then this just makes America look even worse, what with ignoring the UN and then proceeding to invade a country on dodgy information.
  12. Plus, it's pretty easy to find these holes because the source is open to everyone. This also means that when holes are found, someone can quickly submit a patch to fix the problem.
  13. Dave

    Buddy List

    Abridged: it's fairly useless. Just tells you who's online from your buddy list, that kind of thing.
  14. This year just gone, we mainly concentrated on fields, diverging off to matrices and various other bits and pieces along the way. I found that incredibly interesting, so maybe the metric spaces stuff will be good. This year we're getting into the nitty gritty of multivariate analysis and integration. If anyone's actually interested in what I'm doing, you have have a look here - in the second year section.
  15. Dave


    Do you mean [math]\sqrt{x^2}[/math] or [math]\left( \sqrt{x} \right)^2[/math]?
  16. Say you have a function [math]f(x)[/math]. Then the equilibrium points are those points x such that [math]f'(x) = 0[/math]. For example, [math]f(x) = x^2 + 3x + 2 \Rightarrow f'(x) = 2x + 3[/math] So just the one equilibrium point at x = -3/2.
  17. Dave

    for Encrypted

    Well, given time and effort I think I'd probably break it. However, it's not been the first thing on my mind recently. Plus, your ciphering algorithm could have 20 steps for all I know, and there's only so much of my free time I'm willing to give to crack a code
  18. Anyone here read Red Mars? Excellent book.
  19. What kind of issues?
  20. Also check the paths in your embed tag, since some programs tend to mess around with these a bit which means the browser can't find them.
  21. It really doesn't matter which way around to have it. There's no difference between a drive being set as master and being set as slave (as far as I can tell) apart from the fact it uses different terminals to communicate with the IDE bus.
  22. Those commands are controlled server-side; unless he got around the authentication, he wouldn't have been able to execute the command - sure, he could send it down the line, but the server would disregard it because he wasn't properly authenticated. Most likely it's some kind of exploit or whatever.
  23. SP2's installed here, and barr a few problems with the silly Windows Security Centre, it's been okay. That, and the fact that I've had a few problems with DirectX 9.0c, but they're programming related.
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