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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave

    for Encrypted

    Maybe cryptographic forum would be better? As a suggestion, some good algorithms to try are some variations on the simple Caesar shifts (like these), Persenne squares are also quite fun to try and crack. The simpler Viginere square is easier to crack.
  2. Dave

    blame upon others

    I've heard that one before, nice one From my own experience, it's just the fact that they want their record to be sparkling so dump the mistake on someone lower down. People like that aren't very popular in the office and often don't get very far.
  3. Or if you're using XP, Start Menu -> "Set Program Access and Defaults", second column about half way down.
  4. Go on a graphics design course, or look at some online tutorials. There's plenty of them out there.
  5. It's as good a place as any, has stuff to do with computers. What I'd say is that a lot of the time, the algorithms they use can be somewhat flawed and to predict the weather more accurately you do need more complex algorithms (and hence more powerful supercomputers). They still can't get the predictions right over here though
  6. Maybe some people have differening opinions on what software is? To most people, software is just programs like Word or Messenger that are visible to them. I suppose it parallels the "Are biological viruses alive?" debate. Just trying to help out, won't say a lot more on the topic
  7. It doesn't have to be a convoluted life story, just a brief bio. I think it's a nice idea to put a face to the posts once in a while.
  8. I meant in the American TV debate that is customary between the guy hoping to get re-elected and his main rival. It's all very dirty and not much of a debate at all.
  9. Quite. After the US pulls its troops out, everything is going to go completely and utterly pear shaped (not that it isn't already, that is). I don't think it'll be possible to keep a stable democracy running in that country.
  10. Basically because this is all the Bush administration has to throw at Kerry atm.
  11. I thought this quote from that link atinymonkey gave was quite amusing: Yes, a whole 51 days everyone!!! Most people will forget this within about a week, tops, I'd say. They get all the "interference" they deserve tbh.
  12. Not sure this particular graduation would work, but I agree that something needs to be worked out. I'd quite like something that worked on a continous level - i.e. you don't find yourself at one end of a bracket. I know I'd be annoyed if I earned, say, £20500/annum and got into the higher tax bracket.
  13. I find the random insults and mud slung in these sort of debates to be rather silly. It's like reality TV on crack.
  14. For those of use not familiar with perl, can you explain your algorithm a bit more? I think I know what it's doing, but I'm not 100% sure.
  15. Dave

    Hurricane Ivan

    That photo is absolutely brilliant. Thanks very much for the link, it's now my desktop bg ;-)
  16. I don't know what's worse - the fact that I found that very amusing, or the fact that I want to read more
  17. Fair enough - I'll admit that I haven't really studied the matter of decimals in any significant form, and I don't understand them and their notation as much as I should. I also apologise for my outburst - I'm a little tired, been working for about 11 hours today and have driven ~200 miles so I'm a bit tetchy
  18. I'm not going to go into it here because I don't want to get off-topic, but I don't believe this statement to be correct. If you have a problem with me (which, considering the general language you used in your post), then take it up with me in PM instead of trying to insult me.
  19. Beat me to it Works for continuous as well as discrete stuff, except you have to use integration to find the probability density.
  20. I'm sorry for not living up to your exacting standards. I have not yet completed my degree - indeed, I am only just about to start my second year. Therefore I'm beginning to understand what a role definitions have to play in the world of mathematics, but as hard as I try, I find them tedious and boring - although necessary, I do not wish to spend my free time talking about them on an internet chat forum. I also know that I'll never become anything of any great significance to the mathematical community, basically because I'm not intelligent enough. I do (moderate) this because I enjoy doing mathematics in general and discussing it with other people. Unlike you, I am not a research mathematician and do not have the experience of such. I guess what I'm trying to say is: we're not all research mathematicians, so cut me a little slack, will you?
  21. And they don't really serve any use in a geometrical sense.
  22. Yeah, he got you pretty good there
  23. Because of the BSE issue. I just don't trust British Beef anymore.
  24. I hate you Where did you say you lived again?
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