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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    I don't personally consider Latin and Ancient Greek to be "dead" languages because they are still studied extensively by many scholors.
  2. Dave


    Well, if I include that... BBC Basic, QBasic, VB6, VB.NET (to a certain extent), C, C++, Java, TCL, PHP and a couple other minor scripting languages. Never got on with perl Now I beat you, bloodhound! Anyway, I'll shut up now and go to bed.
  3. Dave


    I used to speak French fairly fluently up to a basic kind of level, but I've forgotten most of that now. Did German briefly and dropped it as soon as was physically possible, and enjoyed Latin quite a bit.
  4. Don't discount it just yet. The closer you are to the sun, the more particles of stuff you're going to get because they won't have dispersed as much. If you launched a probe from say, Mercury, then it'd be going quite fast by the time it went past Earth. I agree that mankind just hasn't come up with any viable options for interstellar travel yet. Getting to Mars takes 2 years as it stands, let alone something 2 light years away.
  5. Yeah, same reasons here. I was going to do CompSci, and I'm glad I didn't now because of all the tedious hours you have to spend sitting in front of a computer coding some program in a crappy language like ML. I'd rather code under my own terms in my own time.
  6. I can't stand it. But then again, I don't eat beef so I wouldn't really like it anyway.
  7. No problems, but make sure you understand waves before getting into the QM section. It's rather essential to the understanding.
  8. Something that uses hardware to manipulate data? Or something along those lines anyway? I can't remember my A-level computing
  9. I don't think that's something you should be proud of Anyway, back on topic if you please.
  10. Only after you've had your tablets.
  11. Only if it's from a good uni - there's a hell of a lot of computer science graduates these days.
  12. Wasn't he IRC'ing about it some time ago? I think we should get bloodhound to do it, because I think it'd be one for the psychiatrists amongst us
  13. But what's the point? Most one-time pad messages are sent with a book number, and code number to let the recipient know what they're using to encrypt the message, in the knowledge that the recipient's pad will (probably) be safe. Plus with the advent of SSL, they're not really needed all that much anyway.
  14. Plus they're a hell of a lot more secure than 'doze, especially since MS stopped developing IE for OS X
  15. It's just hard to use. I can't stand it, for some reason. It's just about bearable on a desktop, but if I ever bought a PC Laptop, I'd have no choice but to throw it out of the window.
  16. What's to stop them decrypting the message telling them what the new key is?
  17. Well, as long as you've got Linux dual-booted, it's bearable I'd kill for a G5.
  18. No, I don't think it will either. But at least they're investigating other forms of propulsion, which is always good. However, the problem always remains of getting spacecraft off the Earth. Until they can build the craft in space or have some kind of space elevator, there's always going to be that problem, and it's going to hinder propulsion research to a certain degree.
  19. Probably - if they were paid a lot of money - but something like OpenGPG is freeware and open source, so it's impossible to do it without someone knowing. Likewise, OpenSSL is as well.
  20. Ah yes, good old Yorkshire Pudding. I still don't know why they call it a pudding over here
  21. Sorry, but what would this "truth" be? That you want to arrest Kerry under some completely trivial issue so you have an excuse to get Bush re-elected? Is it not so hard to pick up a newspaper or turn on a televisoin and then look at what is happening in countries other than your own? Can't you see that by electing Bush as your leader, you have condemned America to be likened to the schoolboy thug, stealing dinner money from whoever you please? Not only that, but you have condemned Iraq and its citizens to a life of pure hell, bordering on civil war, because your so-called enlightened leader insists on going to war with a country for entirely the wrong reasons. Your attitude is really starting to grate with me. You are extremely quick to jump to the defense of Bush, yet you offer no rational explanation for his ludicrous and unfounded decisions about Iraq and your general Foreign Policy when confronted with questions by other members of the forum. Not only this, but you refuse to back up any of your arguments and reduce this thread to petty slander and insults. I, for one, am fed up with hearing your sarcastic comments on a situation that you apparently know little about or choose to ignore. If you do not wish to discuss this matter in a civilised fashion, then I would advise you not to post at all.
  22. Call me cynical, but I don't quite believe that Bush couldn't have exerted a certain amount of pressure over this if he had really wanted this bill passed. Just my opinion on the matter.
  23. Oh, they've called them all sorts over here. Sleeping policemen, safety bumps (that annoys me), road trafficing measures, etc. Just as annoying Other ones: what you call fries, we call chips (obvious one). Can't think of any more off the top of my head.
  24. "pants" over here means "underwear", "boxers", etc.
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