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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    Well, the latest bill they're trying to pass enables them to send people to jail and fine them for over $250,000 if caught and prosecuted. They've got a load of sentors in their pocket and I wouldn't be surprised if the bill gets passed. But sending people to jail? These people aren't the scum of the earth ffs, they just want to share a few files. I find it quite shocking that these people of supposed "intelligence" don't recognise that they should be changing their style of business instead of using a 20 year old business model to conduct what they do today.
  2. I shouldn't worry about it. If the military wanted, they could get higher resolution images in realtime without breaking a sweat and follow you around everywhere Oh, and echelon also reads (and records the most interesting) e-mails and telephone calls. Hence I use OpenGPG
  3. Dave


    If someone would come up with a more interesting post ranking thing (like the one we have already, I'm sure blike would put it up.
  4. Dave


    buahahaha On a slightly less sadistic note, I just don't like their attitude of "omg, we're not selling as many cds!! let's go and get the people who share all the files because it's blatently them causing all the problems instead of us publishing really crappy music that nobody likes anymore and that's fabricated in 20 minutes!!"
  5. yay
  6. Sorry for resurrecting this thread a bit, but I think the perfect example of showing that Bush really couldn't care about anything but pleasing the corporations is probably this.
  7. At my student's union, we pick who we want to vote for (can be as little as one person) and then rank them: say if you pick 3 people, your favourite gets 3 points, 2nd gets 2 and least gets 1. I think that this is a great way of voting myself, but I've never really subjected it to any kind of proper statistical analysis. I also think you'd get a much higher turnout for votes if you put a little box that said "I think all the candidates suck", or words to that effect. And yes, I think the US scheme of voting does suck immensely, as demonstrated brilliantly by the 2000 elections.
  8. To illustrate my point completely, this story is currently the major running story on BBC News Online. I also have to say that I'm not surprised by its content.
  9. I tend to read a lot of international news on BBC News Online - which is by far the best news portal around these days. Since the US elections are coming up, I'm concentrating more on that than I used to, but I think it's always a good idea to have some idea of what's going on in the world.
  10. Think about it: if you'd been given that problem at A-level, you'd probably have gone "wtf?!?" We've had a couple of terms to get used to the idea of university mathematics, and it's a completely different style to what you get at A-level. It took me long enough to get my head around delta-epsilon arguments, and I'm still not sure I completely understand them.
  11. I was going to post something about this, but Dapthar beat me to it. Please read the post above carefully, you really don't want to go around saying that
  12. LaTeX has so many commands it'd be impossible to list them all anyway. But I think we should probably have a panel to the right with things like \frac, \int, ^{}, etc. I'll see if I can create the code and then get blike to upload it.
  13. Well, I didn't post anything for about 3-4 months after joining, hence my lowish postrate. It used to be a lot lower
  14. Not really, there's a fair amount of us (because a lot of us learnt about the site through the PA forums) but I'd say many were from the US - albeit, they probably don't post as often as we do
  15. That, and the fact that a lot of people here are from the States anyway.
  16. Dave


    Does anyone else hate them as much as I do? Because I really hate them. (Sorry for the randomness )
  17. Dave

    Hello! i'm Ian

    Erm, it does mean something in this case. When you go to uni, you'll find that the classes of degree are (more or less) fixed. At Warwick (and most other places), 70% is a 1st, 60% is a 2.1, 50% is a 2.2 and 40% is a 3rd. I just suck at statistics because I find it horribly boring. GCSE statistics is also nothing like University statistics. It's defined a lot more rigorously.
  18. I was going to submit something, but the pain my eyes went through when I saw the background colour put me off
  19. We did this in the first few weeks. Not heard of ring theory yet, probably come next year.
  20. Dave

    Hello! i'm Ian

    Not really, I got 45% in my Probability A module this year
  21. Dave

    Want Gmail, anyone?

    They were very clever - handing out invites makes people want an account more. There must be close to a million tester accounts atm. They'll be giving hotmail a run for it's money soon, no doubt. Not really. When you think about it, hotmail etc will already scan the message to get rid of spam anyway. If I have something sensitive to send, I'll send it using GPG. Not a big deal.
  22. Dave

    Hurricane Ivan

    From the predicted path currently on BBC News, you probably won't get the full brunt of it, but even so, a Category 5 near Florida can't be good.
  23. Blatently. I spend more time than is healthy on here, but it's all good fun really.
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