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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave

    Hello! i'm Ian

    Indeed. We seem to be getting quite an influx atm
  2. I think that what winds people up the wrong way is that there's always quite a lot of asylum seekers who basically come into this country and live off the dole for the rest of their lives, whilst the rest of us go out and pay for their new mobile phone/sofa/house/toaster/etc. There's a lot of bad feeling in our country at the moment about this, and (I believe) rightly so. I think to some people it seems like they're going to stay in a hotel with free room service. What I meant to say (and you probably misinterpreted this), is that if these call centres are going to be shipped overseas - and mainly that's to cut costs, whilst taking away a lot of our jobs - then they need to be able to communicate with customers that are primarily going to be speaking English. It's not about toleration, it's just common sense really. Looks like I'm getting that flame retardant jumper afterall
  3. rofl, those crack me up every time
  4. Dave


    Yes, and I'm sure all those criminals that run around shooting people pay a load of attention to that.
  5. Fair point. You'd think that they'd get better training though
  6. Nicely said. I think some people need to look at what they've written, and then look at what is actually happening in the world today and compare the two.
  7. Dave


    Re-opened again. Please don't regurgitate all the old stuff from the thread or I'll close it permenantly - it's already 5 pages long and 90% of it is repeated.
  8. Well, he's not insulting him for no apparent reason. Bush has made a series of judgements that I would consider to be completely and utterly ridiculous.
  9. Not yet. Sayo's probably the one to do it and he's on holiday until sometime next week.
  10. Hopefully when we start to get some more traffic (which it looks like we're getting) then we should be able to expand a bit more. Some more subforums might be a nice idea at some point in the future.
  11. Build a model rocket?
  12. Because he's the best at catching the thing. It wasn't like his fault the battery used for the parachute pyros (I'm assuming it was the pyros) was duff At least they can still use some of the material.
  13. Ah, got the wrong one Saw FTA and assumed the wrong thing The proof is a bit convoluted although fairly straightforward. Haven't heard of that one yet.
  14. I'm probably going to get the ass flamed off of me for this, but I personally think that people who come seeking asylum to this country should be given (at least the opportunity) to get some English lessons, or some kind of basic course. Don't get me wrong, people can speak whatever language they like, and a lot of people come into our country and contribute greatly. I'm also not saying they should be forced into these courses. Personally I find it annoying when I'm speaking to someone on a tech support line, or in the street or whatever, and can hardly understand what they're saying. This is not being racist - I don't hate these people, they're perfectly okay in my eyes - this is being practical - if we all speak a common language, it makes life a lot easier. I'd also like to point out that I feel "racist" is a term used far too often in modern society - it's almost adopted the role of being a slang word.
  15. Kerry is making a big deal of his service because Bush is making a big deal of the 911/Iraq thing. He's trying to get across the point to your average American that Bush is quite frankly incompetent and has lead your country up the creek without a paddle as well as alienating America from the world as a whole. It's also blatently obvious that this was going to come into question, but these rumours have all been started by far-right groups that probably have some funding from certain Republican politicans in a bid to discredit him. There's an interesting site to George Bush's supposed AWOLness, but to be quite honest I don't think it's particularly brilliant proof. I do, however, believe that he managed to skip some service because of his dad, proof or not.
  16. Why would that be important here? We're talking about Kerry, not Hilary Clinton.
  17. Does it matter that he might be, you know, right?
  18. I think in this particular instance, Kerry can use this to his advantage - simply because Bush went awol and he didn't. But for some reason, his campaign is just sucking generally atm.
  19. Firstly the search engine has to have a pool of places to start with; this is mainly done by people submitting their sites to the engine. From there, the robots look at the various links in the pages and then follow those links, do the same for that page, and soforth. It's all quite sophisticated really.
  20. I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say this, but please don't copy and paste pages of stuff from other sites! The aforementioned post was from: http://searchenginewatch.com/webmasters/article.php/2168031 It's all written down in the rules, you know.
  21. Any natural number greater than or equal to 2 (not sure about the "or equal than") can be written as a unique product of prime numbers. For example, 8 = 2*2*2; 18 = 3*3*2: no other combination of prime numbers can make those numbers.
  22. Dave


    When I was doing my computing course, I found this the easier method of the two, but it's totally up to whatever you decide. It's particularly useful when you come to do two's complement and fractional stuff.
  23. I shouldn't get your hopes up. I've seen better election campaigns than the one Kerry is putting up.
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