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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    It could be argued that the GD forum is not a place of educational resource though. This site isn't all about education
  2. I think Tampa's the other side of Florida, but I guess as Francis moves up, he'll get more and more of it. Reportedly about 2m homes are without power now though, so that could be one of the problems.
  3. Dave

    Ebay Safety

    The major advantage of using a credit card for purchases over the internet is not the credit limit, but rather the insurance that you automatically get with it. If you go to your bank and say "this guy ripped me off, I want my money back" and can prove it, then you automatically get your money back and then the bank has to deal with it. When you use a debit card and you don't get what you want, you have to mess around with it yourself and it can spiral out for ages (if anyone remembers PA's "slammer" PS2 deal, you'll know what I mean).
  4. I wouldn't have given a good response about that link to anyone. And he's only had one reply.
  5. Dave

    Ebay Safety

    The phrase "if it's too good to be true..." keeps ringing in my ears when I buy from eBay. However, sometimes you can get some absolute bargins on there: I bought a Sony STR-DE585 (retails at about £250) for £60 on there - it was advertised as a display model and as coming without a remote and manual, but they sent me a new one anyway.
  6. Anything with that title should almost certainly be ignored to protect your eyes.
  7. Graphics are nice, but I don't think much of the gameplay for some reason. I think it might be the fact that they ported it over from xbox and it just isn't the same.
  8. Dave


    And they're (probably) going to say: "well, as much as we'd like to, it's against our IT policy, blah blah blah blah" - i.e. "go away and stop bothering me".
  9. I just don't think much of the game period. (this is just my opinion so flaming me = bad)
  10. Dave


    System operators don't usually work on logic. They're more like the BOFH than most would realise
  11. For all you conspiracy theorists out there, Sky One has a documentary about it at 9pm on Monday. Don't know how scientific it is, though,
  12. Indeed? dave is my name. How very original of me
  13. I've got Halo PC, but I don't think much of multiplayer
  14. I'm not into all the conspiracy theory stuff, but the pentagon crash does make me wonder quite a lot to be honest. Where did the actual engines themselves go, and why didn't we see them? The lack of damage from the wings also shocked me quite a bit.
  15. I think it was just because we changed the forum portal. blike's working on something (I think).
  16. Dave

    Ebay Safety

    If his feedback is good and the item looks to be genuine, I'd say it'd be good. I've purcahsed several times off of eBay, and all the stuff arrived in very good condition on time.
  17. (please quote your sources before posting them in full here) Judging by the quality of these speeches, I think I'd rather have that guy in power than Bush. Actually let's just take it one step further: I'd rather have a small llama as a leader than Bush.
  18. Damn, I thought he'd gone for good.
  19. I don't know for sure, but I believe it's problems at the server end. Nothing I can do about it atm, sorry
  20. And now it's down again. Sorry about this guys :|
  21. Have a look at this. Phospherous material on the screen.
  22. I think it's probably to do with those reasons, yeah.
  23. No, I think he means pulkit.
  24. Erm, doesn't that have a personal firewall included with it?
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