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Everything posted by philbo1965uk

  1. Sayanora this is really getting out of hand,your attacks on me no matter were i post are quite uncalled for..alot of my posts are written with sarcasm(only because of some of the topics i reply to from a scientific view are in themselves littered with presumptions on what we know..) I may be wrong but i assume your background is physics...but alas no matter which topic you reply to you seem to have a superior,self gratifying i know best attitude.(which in itself isnt a very scientific stand point..we are all fallible.)Now that may be because you believe you are superior,or it may be an admins attitude im unsure.But most of all my posts i like to think are written with a little wit,if you cannot see this im afraid i cannot be held accountable for someone else's lack of humour cells. I personally think that my identity,or academic background is not important to posting on topics which nobody knows for sure so we are just fireing stuff at others in the mean time someone posts something that makes us all think !!!I presumed thats what the forum was about. As for my background,I came to Britain in 1965 to study geology,I am now Proffesor of General Geology, Structural Geology and Geotectonics (and no i hate fossils,i have a very hard time explaining when ive just told someone, that this strata which maybe 9 feet thick took over 3 million years to lay down yet sticking out of it is the skull of a 6 ton carnosaur. My belief is that God created everything.I believe a lot of the bible but question parts of it,I believe in Evolution but question parts of it,I believe in GR but question parts of it,I believe....shall i continue or do you get the point
  2. actually your quite right...apart from a little premise..but i think you gave a better answer than myself.I was only going from memory of something i had read.but i did know the link to one women so i guess i get a brownie point. But thankyou and well done.....
  3. I said dont ask me didnt i....it wasnt up for debate....seriously though hold your neck and grimace i think you will understand better. For a deeper understanding though you should try a human anatomy site
  4. how unscientific of you... you mean you cannot find a site on the internet to your liking..so the fossils dont exist. you see the pictures of a fossil but close your eyes and prtend you never seen them you have a vast amount of subject material to send to scientific institutes to analyse your totally bone idol go the library(plenty of literature in the human biology section)Man and his origins is one... or better still if your a member or work for any science body you could always go to the paluxy river armed with a chisel anytime you have a free weekend....they are not going anywhere,the have been in situe for millenia. But if i may be so bold and make one statement, no scientist who wishes to advance in his career will ever analyse the site...science will not accept any data proving man in the dino age....i think the reasons are self explanitory
  5. sorry to be a dissapointment to you then,unfortunately it is proven beyond any reasonable doubt if you believe in DNA(which i believe is quite reliable) but every human being was decended from one female...her name is LUCY...but i believe shes about 3.5 million years old so dont send her a birthday card.Does that sit more comfortably with you than it being a man...which heaven forbid dont scratch my eyes out im a man....
  6. omg yes your right....the earth could like totally vanish...it could be absorbed by dark matter and dissapear but its ok like a photon it could reappear right...
  7. creationist propaganda...what are you implying....you saying my evidence is not true...just google any of the fossils i quoted...as for my mistakenly replying to a post that was not directed at me...i didnt read it all just the first few lines....and it fitted nicely into the subject matter...But really it wasnt directed at you so why do you feel your involvement was needed..or that i would be interested in your insulting post.. and the answer is yes i do feel ophiolites has psychic foresight and infinite wisdom as well,and balance a brushshank on his nose while juggling 4 tennis balls.
  8. so people can see them and its not me just antagonising....
  9. the coin would be caught by the suns gravity and orbit it for ever....until an alien happened on your coin and said "oh look £2 coin ive got enough for a happy meal now"
  10. I JUST GAVE YOU THE EVIDENCE.....what proof do you require or are you saying fossils are not proof....bang goes the dino's then
  11. did humans exist in the dinosaur age i say yes...fossil records confirm a mans sandal crushing a trilobite i say yes....fossil records confirm at paluxy river..an adults and childs footprints intersecting a herd of brontasaurus footprints... scientific analysis confirms the fossils to be genuine however humans didnt exist alongside dino's ..so these tracks must have been made by an unknown species of dinosaur wearing jesus sandals and an ellese shellsuit. why?....."damn you because im a scientist and im telling you......huxley get my coat"
  12. carefull....when you use a physics example to contradict physics they dont like it and remove your post.
  13. see i get along just fine with your comments and you have to add crap ,useless speculation,..when you know its been discussed by even the likes of Hawking...Time travel was a joke but is now being considered to be probable just not in the way were talking about
  14. thankyou Aeschylus for your first paragraph reply."why didnt someone just say that in the first place". your not here to discuss breakthroughs or new conceptions in science just to accept the orthadox opinion at the time.from now on i will just ask questions for information,however i dont sit comfortably with presumptions,probability,virtual as solid science it seems to be "our best guess is its this"and everyone just goes along with it kind of like sheep.Well thank goodness for scientists who question and say this is silly theirs got to be a better explanation,otherwise you lot would indeed believe the earth was flat." blackholes"...
  15. well done mad scientist,when all you get back is imaginary you know you have thought of a peach....and swansont again thats lame....
  16. 5614 apart from reminding me just how confusing my posts must be,you surpass my expectations just what the heck are you talking about. (quote)im not sure who is making the assumptions you are talking about..... and i know your thinking that they used to think the world was flat...in a few hundred years this will seem like stupid rubbish,however somewhere the stupid rubbish will stop coming out...and that time has already happened,we are advance enough to know stuff like that(end quote) Now i take it for granted regardless of the field of ones expertise,most here have an average intelligence(though my spelling at times is fun lol) so when i pass the buck and ask others to point out someones presumptions(pssst there not based on fact mate...) I did not expect someone to not (a)understand the question (b) make a conceited remark like we are advanced enough to know stuff like this.( mmm were does the we fit into that...you dont include yourself in that statement do you)
  17. haha i can always count on you sayonara,a word of advice when you constantly pick on someones post have the good grace to realise that someone might have just a little more knowledge than yourself, you quoted utter crap to my second point that you have more in common with a worm.Unfortunately its 12.45pm im drunk but tommorrow i will give you the worms name.as for not understanding natural selection (evolution)you have chosen the wrong backside to chew.I will openly debate anything you chose regarding this subject.
  18. would be wouldnt it.i thought flamin and spam was not allowed
  19. ahhhh so pleasent when my true expertise is called upon.Unfortunately if your antivirus software has failed you and you truely have a virus im here.First you will have to be more specific so i can help.Tell me from boot up what happens ,which programs wont work,your internet etc,and i will tell you how to proceed.forget sophos its shite so is norton....but first you will have to give me more info...
  20. Im a creationist yet im not religious.I believe in god but not as an old man with grey beard.You actually have more in common biologically with a worm than a monkey.Taken at face value i dont believe survival of the survivors is a good enough theory.Perhaps if evolution (which implys evolving into a better creature suited to a changing environment.When in fact my knees are not too good painting these skirting boards today)was scrubbed from the records and simply called Darwinism it would be recieved better .The only niggly reservations i have with it though is i wish my ancestors had given me a bigger penis
  21. Instead of me getting up peoples noses im not replying,can someone else point out his presumptions,
  22. not a logical argument swansont,can your table exert a force and levitate metal objects (if so your in the wrong forum try ghosts and poltegeists)or are you saying the earth is comparable to your table and the moon should sit nicely on its shoulder..
  23. how can you debate when you tie your own hands.Im wrong,your right.We dont know something exists but this answer is yes this is no because at this moment in time physics says so.you are imoveable until the flavour of the month suits you."black holes....oh no nothing can escape a black hole..we ran the calculations using our formula and no impossible...."well what is the stance now in physics regarding blackholes?? Times change clever people devise formula and we learn more,whilst potential,relativistic,virtual,have there place its a thin line to be challenged tommorrow. one more statement energy they say is equivalent to mass E=mc2,you can interpret it to mean were there is energy there is mass,were there is mass there is energy.also momentum is related to mass,however a photon has energy and momentum yet no mass.i agree but you could say it has relativistic mass because if we trap it in a container with perfect mirrors so the photons continuelly bounce back and forth.then in the boxes frame of reference the momentum is zero but the energy is not.so light would add to the mass of the box.You could measure this in principle by an increase in inertia when the box is accelerated or by gravitational pull.But we define mass today as invarient mass,so in this case mass wouldnt be conserved so all we can now say is the mass of a box of light is more than the mass of the box and the sum of the masses of the photons (the latter being zero).we now see energy doesnt have to have mass.mass is not equivalent to energy.So does light have mass,we say no but its open to how you interpret it. The main problem you wont accept is i believe and i hope its soon,someone will provide the formula and do the math showing gravity does travel FTL.Physics cannot measure accurately wether it does or doesnt,you can only calculate its effects which isnt the same thing.Can you not agree to disagree like gentelmen and not lead to my posts being removed. I just hope when im proved right your all still here, you will all jump on the bandwagon "i didnt say it couldnt travel FTL"
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