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Everything posted by smiles

  1. If a patient contacts too much with X-rays, what happens to him(her) ? Thanks !
  2. So where X-ray goes next ? Thanks !
  3. smiles

    6th sense

    But I see some cases that a person can feel what will happen to their relative at someday in the future (or will happen in the next few hours) ? How do you understand that ? Thanks !
  4. Could you tell me why X-ray rooms usually have wall covered by Pb (I mean lead) ? Thanks !
  5. smiles

    6th sense

    Hi I mean Extra-Sensory Perception
  6. smiles

    6th sense

    Hi ! Could you tell me what you understand about sixth sense and according to you, when does a normal person at one time having his (her) sixth sense ? Thanks !!!
  7. well thanks !!! And do you think that we can make two sided PCB at home ?
  8. Thanks !!! I will ask if I have any questions related to it
  9. I see a person print his circuit diagram to paper, than he stick tightly that paper in the copper board and iron it, after that, he soak the copper board (and paper on it) in water and rub away paper, than leave in the copper board the circuit diagram with printed lines, then he soak that board again into a solution (don't know what it is) for a while, and when get it out, you see the printed lines are replaced by copper lines ? Could you explain for me the chemistry events in this process ? Thanks !!!
  10. I see a machine used to create oxygen with high concentration, means larger than 21%, I just want to ask what is its utility in hospital, why need high concentration, and why they let oxygen flow into a bottle with some water in it ? Thanks !
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