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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Nice John Thanks
  2. Not that I have much of an idea what this thread is about, but "reasonably" made me smile
  3. Interesting. That's sort of what I was thinking off, but not entirely. I'll post the program when (if) it's finished. Thanks for your input. Anyone else tried anything similar?
  4. Hey all, I've recently started to delve into genetic algorithms, and things associated with them, including alife. In my searches of the internet, I stumbled upon Floys, a simulation of creatures that share some characteristics with living creatures, among others "the social tendency to stick together" and "being territorial animals that defend their territory against intruders". There are two other, more advanced versions, other than the basic one I link to, called iFloys (Individualistic Floys, having individual personality) and eFloys (Evolving Floys, evolve by genetic algorithms) . You can find links to those two on the site. I find this a very interesting idea, and though I would share. It also gave me an idea of my own that I will attempt to implement, and subsequently post on this forum. Has anyone ever tried programming anything similar? Cheers, Gabe
  5. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6265599/Japanese-suit-that-fights-flu.html What's the next thing they'll come up with? By the way, can anyone confirm the "titanium dioxide reacts with light and kills the virus" part?
  6. That's a little harsh, but whatever...
  7. REQRHdMRimw Classic...
  8. I wish petrovich was real But thanks for the post
  9. I stumbled across this while looking for something cool to post in the "Hello World" thread that started up in GD. I though I'd share, because some of the examples are really stunning. http://computersight.com/programming/five-strangest-programming-languages/ I like Malbolge the most, although the "please" part in INTERCAL made me laugh
  10. Disgusting...
  11. (=<`:9876Z4321UT.-Q+*)M'&%$H"!~}|Bzy?=|{z]KwZY44Eq0/{mlk** hKs_dG5[m_BA{?-Y;;Vb'rR5431M}/.zHGwEDCAA@986543W OWN3D by Malbolge....
  12. Well, I really have two guesses, both of which I doubt are correct: a) [hide]The W was broken in half due to the fall. That doesn't have anything to do with geometry and simple algebra though.[/hide] b) [hide]When you said it was about angles, the only thing I could think of was that in a W, the three angles look like they're 45°(and I'm not sure they are), and the angle in L is 90°. 3*45° - 90° = 45°, which is the angle in one V.[/hide]
  13. We won't do your homework for you. Especially if you triple-post.
  14. Shadow

    Making music

    "Unreal": Electronic dance music (Techno etc.) "Real": Classics, Jazz, classical rock, etc. Overture was exactly what I was looking for, but thanks for all the tips, I'm pretty sure I know a couple of people who'd like to know about them.
  15. They said the silo was deep underground, which means the person would have more than enough time to "press the button" from when the Americans opened the hatch.
  16. *sniffs around* kleinwolf?
  17. Thanks a bunch iNow, that helps a lot
  18. This is more of a verifying question...Two photons are flying next to each other (same direction) at c...relative to Photon A, is Photon B's velocity c?
  19. http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local-beat/Blind-Womans-Eye-Surgery-Long-in-the-Tooth-59481182.html
  20. Post your favorite one-liners. I know we already have a joke thread, but I think one-liners deserve one of their own. So here it goes: No+Rohypnol = Yes. My girlfriend is a porn star. She'll be so p*ssed off when she finds out. Your turn.
  21. Shadow

    Making music

    Thanks, both of you
  22. Shadow

    Making music

    Does anybody here know of a program (doesn't necessarily have to be freeware) that would allow me to compose music on my PC (not Mac)? But I'm looking for something along the lines of GarageBand, which can make "real" music (piano, guitar, etc.). On second though, if you do know of a good "unreal" music maker, post the name as well...but I'm primarily looking for a "real" music player. Thanks. EDIT: I just found out about Overture, but I'm not sure if it also plays back music, or if it's just for writing. They also have something called "Garritan Personal Orchestra", but I'm not sure if that's a program or just a big collection of samples.
  23. In my example dimensions didn't match...one was a 2x1 matrix, the other a 3x3 matrix. My original question being answered, I was asking if the tensor product was defined for matrices (or any tensors) with different dimensions. Your first answer was no, yet what I did was an outer product, which leaves me confused...
  24. Shoot, forgot about that. But thanks for the reminder. Why isn't the outer product defined for arbitrary dimensions? I always thought of the result as a sort of multiplication table... If we had [math]\vec{A}=(2, 4)[/math] and [math]\mathbf{B}= \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 3 & 5 \\ 2 & 5 & 7 \\ 4 & 7 & 9 \end{array} \right)[/math] couldn't [math]\vec{A}\mathbf{B} = \mathbf{\bar{C}}[/math], where [math]\mathbf{C}_{1ij} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 2 & 6 & 10 \\ 4 & 10 & 14 \\ 8 & 14 & 18 \end{array} \right)[/math] and [math]\mathbf{C}_{2ij} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 8 & 24 & 40 \\ 16 & 40 & 56 \\ 32 & 56 & 72 \end{array} \right)[/math]
  25. Which means that the cross product isn't either? But the tensor product should be, right? Speaking of tensors, what is [math]\mathbf{\bar{C}}[/math] ? In the context I've seen it, it refers to a 3rd degree tensor, but I'm not sure if it has other meanings (related to tensors)
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