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Ivan Bok

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Posts posted by Ivan Bok

  1. Ok here is a weird thought experiment (or an extremely expensive real experiment!)


    If you fired a set of small black holes towards a location such that at one point they from a thin spherical shell of black holes what happens to:


    1. The space inside the shell? - it is completely isolated from the universe but is not within the event horizon of a black hole. Thus it could contain a recording device.*


    2. When the shell is formed it is exactly the same as a larger 'solid' black hole when viewed from the outside so would it have gravity grater than the sum of the material making up the shell?



    *I know the black holes would smash into a recording device but I think this could be avoided if the shell was a cube so the black holes don't continue towards the centre.


    Black holes are zero dimensional by nature. When two black holes collide, they merge and the event horizon expands. The volume of the singularity remains constant.

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