I have an idea that I wanted to share. I often use circus props in lessons to engage pupils but also to demonstrate certain phenomena. A juggling ball can be a photon, an electron, an alpha particle etc. A spinning poi is a great analogy for satellites or circular motion. And a diabolo neatly demonstrates how a gyroscope works.
If pupils are able to have a go with these various props their homework could be to describe the prop in a scientific way, for instance
A company that I have worked with in the past provides excellent circus skills activities for schools.
Get Your Act Together - a package that focuses on performance in circus skills that culminates in the pupils doing a performance.
Circusize - a package for PE that focuses on the health benefits of circus skills.
Plus a more relaxed option, just a give-it-a-go session. which is probably the most appropriate option for the idea I suggested above.
Hope these links help...