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Dr. Suess

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Everything posted by Dr. Suess

  1. Hey. Thanks for your replay. I am going to determine the total Se in yeast samples. Depending on existing specifications, I want to use HNO3/HCl digestion on a hot surface (water bath) over 4 to 8 hours. I purchased the following research today online, which seems quite helpful to get started: 'Evaluation of methods for total selenium determination in yeast' (Vol. 8, No 2, 185-191) by Renard, Tompkins However, I would appreciate your assistance and general advices regarding the use of FAAS or a more time-saving digestion method. Cheers.
  2. Whenever a theory appears to you as the only possible one, take this as a sign that you have neither understood the theory nor the problem which it was intended to solve.

  3. Straight to the point. Based on a current project, I need to develop a Specification to determine Total Selenium in yeast by use of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAnalyst 200 Perkin Elmer, Hollow Cathode Lamp). Unfortunately, I can not make use of a microwave digestion. Therefore, I need to develop a method for Se yeast, which contains most of its Se as selenomethionine, by use of HNO3/HCl on a hot surface (water bath). I have to figure out basic conditions, like concentration, ratio, time, temperature, etc. This means any assistance of someone who has experience in a related area would be very helpful. I also need general advice for best AAS handling (Standards, Calibration etc.) regarding Se specific analysis. Your assistance, hints, clues, tips and suggestions are much appreciated. Mandy
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