Dear Sir
my name is M. Reza Tirgan my address is 514 East ressalat Av. Tehran, Iran, postal code 16497 Tehran. My college is The French school Saint-Louis, Tehran, I have educated in the field of physics & chemistry MS of science in Tehran University. I have research works in Tehran University , Tarbiat moalem , Beheshti (Melli) universities. I have 67 age olds you can find my research work in the field of theoretical physics in my website ""
We remain
M. Reza Tirgan
Dear Sir
my name is M. Reza Tirgan my address is 514 East ressalat Av. Tehran, Iran, postal code 16497 Tehran. My college is The French school Saint-Louis, Tehran, I have educated in the field of physics & chemistry MS of science in Tehran University. I have research works in Tehran University , Tarbiat moalem , Beheshti (Melli) universities. I have 67 age olds you can find my research work in the field of theoretical physics in my website ""
We remain
M. Reza Tirgan