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Donnie Darko

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Everything posted by Donnie Darko

  1. Yeah I was born in 1990 but whatever, I love 80s music and new wave! My favorite band is Duran Duran.
  2. I saw a picture of a 9/11 victim and it was pretty gruesome. It was from one of the lower heights too (about 100 feet). He was kind of still in one piece, but it was gross anyhow.
  3. Nuclear war is VERY scary. And it didn't end in 1991 with the Cold War, the fear is greater than ever.
  4. Bush is an idiot. Free healthcare is the best idea. America needs to follow in the footsteps of Europe.
  5. I agree with Bascule.
  6. I'm pro-choice. I think the woman should choose, but aborting as birth control is pretty low.
  7. It's because animals are sentient and plants are not.
  8. I'm a full supporter of animal rights. I think they should have the same protection from cruelty humans do.
  9. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21154137/wid/11915829/page/2/ This seems to have some promise?
  10. Would there be a corpse, with the insides broken but still in one piece, or would it just be a pile of flesh and blood, with no physical resemblance?
  11. The future has started.
  12. I think it's so stereotypical and stupid that life has to be cellular to be considered life. I think viruses are alive.
  13. I would say the Midwest includes the entire states of: Ohio Michigan Indiana Illinois Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Kansas Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota and parts of: Missouri (northern and central) Montana (eastern 2/3) Wyoming (eastern 1/4) Colorado (east of Denver) Kentucky (far north)
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