Thank you for your responses.
Here are a few more questions:
What is [are] the equation(s) to determine speed, and distance if thrust and mass are known? (Let's say mass is 8 lbs and thrust is 215 Newtons.)
What I'm getting at is, how can I determine how much thrust I will need to reach LEO (Low-Earth Orbit) which is approx. 1500 km above the Earth. I don't want to go too far and have my rocket run outside LEO, at the same time I do not want the craft to come hurtling back to the earth. (Given that it will have a parachute feature for such an occasion, nevertheless, what if that fails???)
Also, as far as sending communication back to the Earth from the craft, how could I manage this? How does NASA do it? Could I use the internet? A private server? Something else?