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  1. lol, I know that hydrogen fuel is garbage, don't get me wrong. I didn't get to choose what the topic was over. It's not like hydrogen generates its own power, it just uses gravity or whatever. Thanks to all who answered! This survey will be closed in 5 hours and 3 minutes.
  2. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not calling anyone stupid. I'm just ticked off that the teacher requires free hints to be given. This is for a research paper - I need 30 responses and I don't have much time, so I might have to spam the internets...
  3. Well, I looked around and this seemed like the most active place around, so I'll post this here. Gotta write a nice, long research paper - with a survey. Post your age and gender, make it up if you want - I don't really care. Here it is - very basic. Multiple choice so the common American gets a 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/2 chance of getting it right. (This is for everyone, just so long as it is written in French or English.) 1.If hydrogen fuel was made possible, would you use it? A. Yes B. No 2.Do you know what hydrogen is? What? A. Yes, it is a gas and compound. B. Yes, it is an element. C. NO! 3.How much money would you be willing to pay for hydrogen fuel, assuming it is as it is cracked up to be? (U.S. CURRENCY!) A. 50-80 cents B. 81 - 130 cents C. 131 - 180 cents D. More than current gas prices. E. Around current gas prices. 4. Choose the greatest risk associated with hydrogen fuel. A. Freezing during Winter B. Evaporation C. Explosions D. None of the above 5.If there is a better fuel source (listed...) then which do you think it would be? A. Fossil Fuels B. Solar Power C. Nuclear D. Wind 6. Would the energy source you chose be more or less costly? How much? (Relative to Hydrogen, U.S. Currency) A.1-50 Cents Less B.1-50 Cents More C. 51-100 Cents Less D. 51-100 Cents More E. 100+ Less F. 100+ More 7. Would that energy source contribute to pollution? A. Yes B. No 8. How much more or less convenient do you think hydrogen would be, relative to fossil fuels? A. About the same B. A little less C. More convenient D. Very Convenient E. Very Inconvenient --- Note - Answer in this syntax (Age)/(Gender) (Choice) (Choice) (Choice) (Choice) (Choice) (Choice) (Choice) (Choice) Thank you - I am sorry that this is in advance, but I will not be able to access the internet for a while. Short trip.
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